10 Quirky Things Only Illinois Residents Will Totally Relate To!
llinois is a state full of unique quirks and traditions that only its residents truly appreciate. From the way we pronounce our state name to our love for baseball, there are many things that make living in Illinois special. Here are ten things that only people from Illinois will understand.
1. You Cringe Every Time You Hear Someone Say “Il-eh-NOISE”
One of the biggest pet peeves for Illinoisans is when people mispronounce the name of our state. It’s not “ill-eh-noise,” it’s “ill-eh-noy.” This common mistake makes locals cringe, and we often find ourselves correcting others. It’s a small but significant part of our identity, and we take pride in saying it right!
2. You’re Either A Chicagoan or A Northern Kentuckian
Illinois is a large state with diverse cultures. If you’re from the northern part, you likely identify with Chicago and its bustling lifestyle. On the other hand, those from the southern part of the state enjoy a slower pace of life, often feeling more connected to Kentucky. This divide shapes our experiences and preferences, from food to entertainment.
3. Rubbing Honest Abe’s Nose Is Second Nature
In Springfield, there’s a famous tradition of rubbing the nose of Abraham Lincoln’s statue for good luck. Each year, around 200,000 people participate in this quirky custom. For Illinoisans, it’s almost instinctual to rub any Lincoln statue we come across. After all, we are the Land of Lincoln!
4. Ketchup And Hot Dogs Do Not Go Together
If you’re in Illinois, especially Chicago, you know that ketchup on a hot dog is a big no-no. The classic Chicago-style hot dog is topped with yellow mustard, onions, sweet pickle relish, pickled peppers, a dill pickle, and tomato slices. If you see someone reaching for ketchup, you can bet they’re not from around here. Ironically, Collinsville, Illinois, is home to “The World’s Largest Catsup Bottle,” but that doesn’t change our hot dog rules!
5. When It Comes To Baseball, There’s No Such Thing As A Fairweather Fan
In Illinois, you’re either a Chicago Cubs fan or a Chicago White Sox fan. This rivalry runs deep and has been around since the early 1900s. While the rivalry is most intense in Chicago, it’s felt throughout the entire state. You can’t just be a casual fan; you have to pick a side!
6. You Wear Shorts One Day And A Down Coat The Next
Illinois weather is famously unpredictable. One day you might start in a winter coat and end up in shorts by afternoon. It’s not unusual to experience all four seasons in a single day. Tornadoes, heat waves, and snowstorms can all happen in the same month. But Illinoisans are used to it; we just adapt and keep going!
7. Orange On The Highway Means Summer
In Illinois, we often joke that there are only two seasons: winter and construction. As soon as the weather warms up, you can expect to see orange traffic cones everywhere. The more cones you see, the warmer it is! Road work is a sign of summer, and we’ve learned to navigate around it.
8. You Can Tell Corn From Soybeans In A Split-Second
With about 80% of Illinois land being farmland, it’s easy for locals to tell the difference between corn and soybean fields. If you’re from the southern or western parts of the state, you can spot the difference in an instant. However, many Chicagoans might think it’s all just corn!
9. Starved Rock State Park Is The Most Beautiful Place Ever
Starved Rock State Park is a hidden gem in Illinois. Unlike much of the flat landscape, this park features stunning gorges, canyons, and breathtaking 70-foot waterfalls. It’s a perfect spot for hiking and enjoying nature, and many Illinoisans consider it one of the most beautiful places in the state.
10. Speed Limits Are Only A Suggestion
Driving in Illinois can feel like you’re on the Autobahn. Many locals believe that speed limits are merely suggestions. Whether you’re on the highway or a back road, you’ll often find drivers going well over the posted limits. It’s just part of the driving culture here!
These ten things highlight the unique culture and experiences of people from Illinois. Whether it’s our love for baseball, our quirky traditions, or our unpredictable weather, there’s a lot that makes living in Illinois special. If you’re from Illinois, you’ll likely relate to these points. And if you’re not, now you have a glimpse into what makes this state so unique!
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