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7-Year-Old Girl Rescued After 12-Hour Ordeal at Family Campsite


After 12 hours of not being seen, a 7-year-old girl was found safe and sound after she got lost from her family’s campsite.

Shelby Wolff, who is seven years old, was camping with her grandparents at Lake Merwin in Washington state. It looks like the second-grader got lost at 8:30 at night.

The police were told right away that the girl was lost, and deputies and volunteers started searching all night. Someone heard Shelby’s cries early in the morning and called 911.

Deputies found the 7-year-old in a high area with lots of thick plants and sharp rocks.

Shelby was saved by people getting down on their hands and knees and climbing up the hillside. They told her that she would be okay. She was put on a small boat, taken to a dock, and then met up with her family again.

Shelby’s older sister then shared a video thanking everyone.

“Thank you to all who reached out as well as prayed for my family and me during this time, love you all,” she said.


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