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Scammers Exploit Grieving Family of Missing Mother, Kaysey Yoder, with Fake Facebook Messages ‘It’s Been So Terrible


A mother of four who has been missing for months has been targeted by con artists who want to make money off of their nightmare. Her family is still holding on to hope that she is found safe.

Kaysey Yoder, 34, from Colorado, has been missing since January. Her mother, Tami Ruth, is heartbroken and says she was horrified when her family recently got fake Facebook messages from scammers saying they were her daughter.

Ruth told CBS News that the scammers sent her texts that said, “You give me the money, I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“It’s been so bad.” “The stress is making me fall apart at the seams,” the grandmother said.

The Weld County Sheriff’s Office asked for help in finding Yoder, who disappeared on January 14 at 4 p.m.

The sheriff’s office said that “no criminal act is suspected” in her disappearance.

The family said that the sheriff’s post helped get the word out that Yoder had gone missing, but it looks like the information got to bad people who tried to take advantage of the family of the missing woman.

Yoder’s 9-year-old son Havyn was the one who got the messages from his mom. He was so happy that he ran to tell his grandma the good news.

Ruth remembered that he kept telling her, “Grams, she’s coming back tomorrow.”

Ruth said she quickly realized the person calling wasn’t her daughter because the con artist couldn’t answer simple questions that Yoder would know the answers to.

The con artist then said they couldn’t remember the answers because robbers had severely beaten them. The con artist also said they were in Russia.

“I say, ‘You’re not my daughter.'” “I have to find my daughter,” Ruth said to end the conversation.

The upset mother told the cops and Justice Takes Flight, a group in Colorado that helps families of people who have gone missing, about what happened.

The Weld Sheriff’s Office said it has followed up on about 50 tips about Yoder’s disappearance, some of which included reports of seeing her, but there are still no real leads on where she is.

The sheriff’s office said in a statement, “Unfortunately, these investigations have not uncovered where Kaysey went or where she is now. However, no criminal act is suspected in connection with Kasey’s departure from home.”


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