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Man in North Carolina is Accused of Poisoning His Daughter After Reportedly Killing His Wife With Eyedrops Report


The Gaston Gazette reports that a man in North Carolina who was charged with killing his wife with eyedrops in 2018 is now also charged with trying to poison his daughter in the same way.

Prosecutors said that Joshua Hunsucker, 39, gave the drug to his 10-year-old son in February 2023, five years after he was accused of killing Stacy Hunsucker, 32.

The child was poisoned and taken to the hospital to show that his wife’s parents, John and Susie Robinson, were responsible for Stacy’s death, according to a local news source.

Prosecutors said Hunsucker killed his wife with eyedrops that contain the drug tetrahydrozoline and then lied about how she died to get a $250,000 life insurance policy.

Prosecutors say that Hunsucker buried her right away to hide the real cause of her death, but a vial of her blood was saved because she was an organ donor.

When rumors started to spread about her husband, the blood test showed that he had been poisoned.

Prosecutors said Hunsucker put eyedrops in her drinks over a long period, which killed her in the end.

Police said that he told them he would kill someone with eyedrops if he ever had to.

Hunsucker was caught in December 2019 and given a $1.5 million bond to stay free while he waited for his trial for first-degree murder.

But he had to go back to court this week to answer the new charges against him. Prosecutors asked the judge to take away his bail, which the judge did.

Hunsucker is also being charged with several new counts of witness intimidation for his behavior toward the Robinson family at their home.

He has tried many times to blame her parents, who are witnesses in the case against him, for the death of his wife.

Hunsucker lied when he said that John Robinson had raped and kidnapped him, telling police that Robinson had pistol-whipped and zip-tied him up before injecting him with something deadly.

According to new court documents, he is also accused of recording the Robinsons, sending packages to their home, telling them to stop looking into the murder case against him, and scaring them by driving by their home.

Attorneys for the state wrote in the newspaper, “The state believes that the defendant’s dangerous actions will continue to escalate.”

“The state has great concern for the safety of (Hunsucker’s children) and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.”

Hunsucker is still in jail.


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