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Animals Were Saved From Bad Situations in Woodbridge in Large Numbers


WOODBRIDGE, Conn. – Officials from Woodbridge Regional Animal Control say that more than 40 animals were taken from a single home after the owner was charged with Animal Cruelty early Saturday morning.

At 5 a.m., Woodbridge Police called Animal Control to say that a woman wanted to give up 14 dogs to the shelter. There were 20 dogs in five cages when the police arrived.

Lisa Moffo is in charge of animal control at the Woodbridge Regional Animal Control. She thinks there were more than 70 animals in the house. 23 dogs, 20 cats and babies, 7 bunnies, and 1 guinea pig have been taken to the shelter as of this writing. Moffo said that she is going to save 30 to 35 cats that are still at the house on Sunday.

Moffo says the animals were in terrible shape, and workers at the Animal Shelter were able to convince the owner to give up all the animals that were living with them. Moffo showed News 8 areas of matting that had been cut off of a dog.

She said, “This was cutting off blood flow to the bottom of his leg.” “To be honest, he probably would have lost his leg in a couple more weeks of that.”

Moffo said that the shelter was full before all the animals were turned in.

“And we’re helping dogs from another town with another case of animal cruelty,” she said. “That’s why it was so hard today.”

People from North Haven, East Haven, New Haven, and Bridgeport stepped up to help. Some gave food and others took dogs. Moffo said that the dogs were living with One More Dog Rescue, Halfway Home Rescue, Perfect Imperfections Rescue, and the Westerly Animal Shelter.

“A village helps, and today that village did.” And this makes me feel so humble.

Donations of money and food for cats and dogs are being accepted at the shelter. The animals that were given up will soon be available for adoption. You can find out how to adopt by calling Woodbridge Regional Animal Control at (203) 389-5991.

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