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US Border Patrol Agent Told Women Who Wanted to Enter the Country to Show Him Their Breasts: Feds


Federal officials say that a U.S. Border Patrol agent has been charged with telling women to show him their breasts while they were going through the process of entering the country.

Five misdemeanor counts of deprivation of rights under color of law were brought against Shane Millan, 53, by federal officials in the Northern District of New York on Thursday. The charges were made public in a news release. The officials said he knowingly took away the constitutional rights of four women to not be searched without a warrant.

According to the officials, Millan told four women to show her breasts to him while her bra was still on while they were going through virtual processing to get into the U.S. He also told three women to “expose their bare chests” to him over webcam.

Prosecutors say Millan made the demands “for his pleasure” and lied to the women by saying he was searching legally.

Millan was arraigned in Syracuse on Thursday and then freed until his trial.

USA TODAY tried to get in touch with Millan’s lawyer at the Federal Public Defender’s office on Friday but has not heard back.

The Border Patrol was also asked by USA TODAY if Millan was still working there, but as of Friday afternoon, they had not replied.


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