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Social Security Cuts: Immigrants’ Social Security Payments Could Be Affected by 2025 Cuts


Many were optimistic that the Social Security Fairness Act would quickly pass the Senate once it passed the House of Representatives.

Unfortunately, it appears to be moving more slowly than we had hoped, and many people are now concerned that, as a result of the two clauses the Act seeks to abolish, they may have to live another year with a pension that is less than what they are entitled to.

In order to reduce Social Security worker benefits for individuals who receive “non-covered pensions” and are eligible for Social Security benefits based on other Social Security-covered earnings, the Act addresses the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

A non-covered pension is one that is paid by an employer—usually state and local governments or employers outside of the United States—that does not deduct Social Security taxes from your pay.

Additionally, it seeks to eliminate the Government Pension Offset (GPO), which modifies Social Security benefits for widows or spousal recipients of “non-covered pensions.”

During a time when pensions were robust and would actually sustain a person during retirement, the Social Security Administration (SSA) implemented these provisions in order to prevent workers who were eligible for a pension as well as benefits from being able to collect a significantly higher Social Security benefit that would be fair.

However, this was back in the day when pensions were robust, and in today’s world, this is not the case.

In some instances, in order to make ends meet, teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other pensioned workers are required to have a second job, which will then not be rewarded with the appropriate Social Security benefits.

But this also affects another group of people that many people don’t think about, and that group includes Americans who have lived and worked abroad for a period of time and receive a pension, or foreign workers who have paid to Social Security but receive money from a previous job overseas.

Social Security Cuts Immigrants' Social Security Payments Could Be Affected by 2025 Cuts

Both of these groups were affected by this. This group of taxpayers is also included in these regulations, and it can be highly devastating to their quality of life if their benefits are decreased as a result of these foreign pensions, which frequently do not fulfill their individual requirements.

People who have not yet reached the threshold of thirty years of taxable income in order to get the maximum Social Security benefit are the ones who are most likely to be impacted by this rule; nonetheless, it is true that this regulation has an impact on everyone.

For those individuals who have failed to make the appropriate contributions, their payments may be reduced by as much as fifty percent. This is especially true for immigrants who are receiving pensions from their countries of origin.

What You Need to Know:

How Social Security benefits would be accessible to immigrants if the WEP were repealed?

Each person’s situation is unique, but for those who are struggling these days due to drastically reduced Social Security benefits, repealing these provisions would help them make ends meet.

After all, as lawmakers supporting the bill have reminded those opposed to it, beneficiaries are not requesting additional benefits; rather, they are requesting that their legitimate contributions to the Social Security program be returned in the form of benefits to which they are legally entitled.

However, the situation may not be as bad for them depending on which country they are receiving their additional pension from.

The United States has bilateral agreements with some countries that permit combining work periods, which can help immigrants meet the minimum requirements and access a higher benefit—still within the amount they are entitled to based on their record—without having to go through as many formalities.

Verifying whether their home countries have agreements with the US government is crucial for migrant workers. This could ensure a more secure retirement and prevent large benefit losses.

To learn how to make the most of the resources available, it is also a good idea to speak with Social Security directly or seek advice from specialists.


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