Maryland is known for its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and bustling cities, but it also has some rather unexpected and unusual laws still on the books.
Some of these laws might make you scratch your head, while others are downright quirky. Here are 14 surprising (but true) laws that only apply in the state of Maryland.
1. It’s Illegal to Swear in Front of a Dead Person
In Maryland, swearing in front of a dead body is against the law. This may seem odd, but it’s part of the state’s attempt to keep public decorum intact, even in the presence of the deceased. So, next time you’re at a funeral, make sure your language remains respectful!
2. You Can’t Take a Lion to the Movies
If you were thinking about bringing your pet lion to the local theater, think again! Maryland law prohibits people from taking any large, wild animal into movie theaters or other public places. This is likely a safety measure, but it’s still a bit of an odd regulation to have on the books.
3. No Playing “Dominoes” on Sunday
In some parts of Maryland, particularly in the western counties, playing dominoes on Sundays is considered a violation of state law. The law dates back to the days of blue laws, when Sunday was designated as a day of rest, and activities like games and sports were strictly regulated.
4. You Can’t Carry a Concealed Weapon with Intent to Use It in a Crime
This might sound like an obvious law, but in Maryland, it’s illegal to carry a concealed weapon with the intent to commit a crime, even if you haven’t done so yet. While most states have similar laws, the specific language and scope make this one stand out in Maryland’s legal framework.
5. It’s Illegal to Repaint Your House Without a Permit
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In some parts of Maryland, particularly in historic districts, homeowners may need to get a permit before repainting their house. The law is designed to preserve the aesthetic value and historical integrity of certain areas, but it’s definitely an unexpected step to take before picking up a paintbrush.
6. Women Are Not Allowed to Marry the Same Man More Than Three Times
In Maryland, it is technically illegal for a woman to marry the same man more than three times. While this law is largely considered outdated, it remains on the books as a quirky remnant of past social norms.
7. Riding on Top of a Car Is Forbidden
If you’ve ever thought about hitching a ride on top of your car, you might want to think twice in Maryland. The state has laws that prohibit individuals from riding on the roof of a vehicle. This is for obvious safety reasons, but it’s certainly one of the more unusual traffic laws.
8. No Cursing in Front of a Police Officer
Maryland takes public conduct seriously, and using profanity in the presence of a police officer is illegal in some areas. This law aims to promote respectful interactions with law enforcement, but it can be tricky to enforce and is considered by some as a violation of free speech.
9. It’s Illegal to Spit on the Sidewalk
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Spitting in public is illegal in Maryland, especially on sidewalks. This law is intended to promote cleanliness and hygiene, particularly in urban areas. It’s a good idea to be mindful of your actions in public spaces, as this seemingly minor offense can come with a fine.
10. No Religious Affiliation for School Teachers
In Maryland, public school teachers are not allowed to publicly express or affiliate with any particular religion while on the job. The law ensures a separation of church and state in public schools, a standard that aligns with the First Amendment but can sometimes be misunderstood.
11. You Can’t Throw a “Badger” into the Ocean
This one’s a bit puzzling. In Maryland, it is illegal to throw a badger into the ocean. While this law may never apply to your life, it’s an example of how outdated or obscure regulations sometimes persist in modern lawbooks.
12. No Swimming in the Ocean After Sunset
In some areas of Maryland, particularly along the Eastern Shore, swimming in the ocean after sunset is banned. This law is likely designed to prevent accidents, as swimming in the dark can be hazardous, especially when the surf can be unpredictable.
13. It’s Illegal to Post Offensive Online Messages
Although the internet has certainly introduced new challenges in law enforcement, Maryland law includes provisions that make it illegal to post offensive or harassing online messages. The law aims to curb cyberbullying and promote online civility.
14. You Can’t Give Alcohol to a Minor in Public
While it may seem like common sense, Maryland has specific laws about the public distribution of alcohol to minors. Even if you’re in a private space, it’s still illegal to provide alcohol to someone underage in many public settings, like parks or beaches.
While some of these laws might sound bizarre or outdated, they give us a glimpse into Maryland’s legal history and the quirky nature of lawmaking.
Whether they’re remnants of past societal norms or quirky safety regulations, they’re certainly surprising—and in some cases, downright puzzling. So, the next time you’re in Maryland, keep these unusual rules in mind!