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A Man in Florida Got Jail Time for Stealing Sports Center Fees to Pay for Trips and Gambling!


CNS NewsIn a striking turn of events, a Tampa resident, Mehdi Belhassan, aged 53, has been sentenced to two and a half years of imprisonment following his conviction on charges of wire fraud. The conviction, which came through in October 2023, stems from Belhassan’s fraudulent activities dating back to 2018, where he deceitfully collected tuition fees for a non-existent sports camp.

Despite promises to host the annual MB Sports Camps at a college in the Boston area, Belhassan faced restrictions from the city due to the lack of appropriate permits, a fact he chose to ignore as he continued to solicit funds from over 300 families across the United States.

The saga did not end with mere false promises. Belhassan further entangled himself in fraudulent activities by securing operational funds from a financing company under the guise of a forged contract with a college.

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The ill-gotten gains were not put towards any form of camp facilitation but were instead squandered on personal indulgences including trips to Las Vegas, where Belhassan gambled away significant sums and basked in luxurious entertainment and accommodation. The repercussions of his actions have led to a mandated restitution of $575,427, alongside a forfeiture of $443,346, in addition to his prison sentence and a subsequent two years of supervised release.

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