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Georgia Senate Debates School Library Controls and Librarian Criminal Charges!


CNS NewsThe Georgia Senate convened on Tuesday to deliberate on proposals aimed at imposing stricter controls on school libraries, stirring a contentious debate over censorship and freedom of expression. One proposal, Senate Bill 365, garnered attention for its provision mandating parental notification for every book checked out by a child. Sponsored by Senator Greg Dolezal from Cumming, the bill passed the Senate Education and Youth Committee by a narrow 5-4 margin and is now slated for further deliberation by the full Senate.

Under SB 365, parents would have the option to receive email notifications detailing their child’s library activities, a measure staunchly defended by proponents like Senate Majority Leader Steve Gooch. Advocates argue that such transparency is essential for parents to oversee their children’s education adequately.

However, opponents decry the bill as a form of censorship, asserting that it encroaches upon students’ First Amendment rights and undermines the autonomy of educators. Nora Benavidez, a legal representative for PEN America, characterized the proposal as part of a broader national trend seeking to curtail access to diverse ideas.

Another contentious measure under consideration, Senate Bill 154, seeks to subject school librarians to criminal penalties for distributing material deemed obscene under Georgia law. While existing statutes exempt public librarians from such sanctions, proponents of SB 154 argue that school librarians should be held to the same standard.

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Senator Dolezal, the bill’s sponsor, contends that the legislation aims to preemptively eliminate objectionable content from school libraries, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding children from potentially harmful material. However, critics argue that the bill’s broad language could have chilling effects on intellectual freedom and educational discourse.

Despite the fervent debate, neither SB 365 nor SB 154 has advanced beyond committee deliberations, with a looming deadline for bills to progress out of their originating chamber. The outcome of these proposals will likely shape the landscape of educational policy and intellectual freedom in Georgia for years to come.

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