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A Lot of People Are Leaving Florida. Here The Place Where They Plan to Move


Florida used to be a popular place for retirees and sunbathers, but many people who live there are losing interest in it. SelfStorage looked at Google search data and found that more and more people are looking to move out of state. There are many reasons for this migration, but some of the most important ones are:

Rising Cost of Living: Home prices, rents, and taxes in Florida have gone up a lot, making it harder for people on fixed incomes or tight budgets to live there. Five years ago, the average price of a single-family home was $150,000. Now, it’s $160,000 more. There are also higher average rents in big towns like Orlando, Tampa, and Miami compared to the rest of the country.

Extreme Weather: Hurricanes, storms, and heat waves can happen in Florida, which puts people, property, infrastructure, health, and safety at great risk. More than 150 people died and over $112 billion worth of damage was done by Hurricane Ian in 2022. It was the third most destructive storm in U.S. history and the most destructive storm in Florida’s history. A lot of people have moved because of the damage or the fear of more tragedies.

Trouble in politics: Gov. Ron DeSantis’s controversial laws and policies have been criticized and backfired, making some residents feel unwelcome, dangerous, or unhappy. Some of these laws limit gender-affirming care, require people to use the bathroom based on their given sex at birth, don’t allow vaccine passports, and limit people’s ability to vote.

Where are people from Florida going?

Based on Google search results, people from Florida want to move to:

Texas: It has a similar climate, lower taxes, and more job possibilities. Its rich and varied culture also draws a lot of people. People like living in cities like Austin, Dallas, and Houston because they are great for young and creative people. The economy is strong in Texas, which has the second most people in the country. The cost of living is also low.

Arizona: Another good choice is Arizona, which has a warm, sunny temperature and beautiful natural scenery. The cost of living there is pretty low, especially when compared to California. Arizona’s tech industry is booming, and more and more people are retiring there.

Within Florida: It’s surprising, but some Floridians are moving within the state to find cheaper or better living, be closer to family or friends, or get away from crowded cities. Jacksonville, Sarasota, and Pensacola are all popular vacation spots.

In conclusion

There are a lot of people in Florida who want to leave because of social, economic, and environmental problems. Many people still like the state’s charm, though, and some choose to stay or move within its limits. Florida is still one of the states with the most people and the most different kinds of people. It has a sunny and easygoing way of life. Whether people are coming to or leaving Florida, the state is going through a big change that will affect its future.

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