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A Woman From Rockford is Accused of Hitting an 11-year-old Boy


ROCKFORD, Ill. — Valerie Mitchell, 32, was arrested by Rockford police for hitting her 11-year-old son after he stole his grandmother’s credit card.

On June 25, Winnebago Police were called to the Winnebago Park District to help a child who had been hurt. The boy told the police that his mother had hit him more than once.

The police found a picture of a text message in which Mitchell told the child’s temporary guardian that she had hit him. Court papers say that police took pictures of the bruises.

Rockford police took the case and talked to the child’s temporary caretaker. Police say his guardians confirmed that he had wounds on his face and right arm.

One of Mitchell’s guardians also told the police that she got his text message about her hitting him.

Mitchell is being charged with two counts of physically hurting a child and hitting someone in the home.

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