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Alabama Woman Set Up a Fake Car Date With a Guy. Then, Another Man Jumped Out of the Trunk and Stabbed the Woman 19 Times


Alabama woman pleaded guilty to attempted murder after setting up a fake date with a man who was then stabbed 19 times.

Shailyn Diaz, who is 27 years old, was given a 10-year prison sentence for kidnapping and stabbing a 33-year-old guy.

People have been told by the 33rd Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office that Diaz made her plea on June 24, the same day she was supposed to go to trial.

Robert Lane Hall, Diaz’s 21-year-old partner, pleaded guilty to attempted murder on June 12 and was given a life term.

Diaz is said to have set up the date with the victim on social media and then picked him up near his home on Sunday, January 7.

“He was handcuffed and blindfolded as part of their date,” says Geneva County Sheriff Tony Helms. before they drove off.

Helms says Diaz pulled over and told the subject that the keys were in the trunk after the subject said the handcuffs were too tight.

He says, “That’s when she let Mr. Hall out.” It was Mr. Hall who broke in and wrapped a wire around the victim’s neck.

Helms says they drove around the county for a while before stopping and pulling the victim out of the car. Helms says a seven-inch knife was used to stab him 19 times.

Helms says the person “pretended to go limp for a minute.” “Mr. Hall stood up for a moment, and the victim got up and ran away.” He was able to get away.

Helms says this about the victim: “He’s tough.” “A cable was used to choke him, and he was stabbed 19 times.” By God’s goodness, I missed the jugular vein on both sides of his neck. I really only just missed it. In that moment, we were not sure if he would make it or not. “We were shocked.”

Helms says that Hall reportedly called 911 and admitted to the attack once he was found out.

He says, “He was very honest about it.”

Helms says that Hall “asked Diaz to do this” for him. “Hall said he had a problem with the victim and this was his way of getting him back.”

Helms says, “Be careful who you talk to on social media.” “It could have been a lot worse.” We’re glad the victim lived and that the case could be closed quickly.

Source: PEOPLE

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