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Biden Criticizes Trump’s ‘Greenlight’ to Putin, Labels Ex-president’s NATO Threat as ‘Predictable’


President Biden criticized Donald Trump’s threat to leave Nato member states vulnerable to Russian attacks if they don’t increase their defense spending, describing the former president’s comments as “appalling and dangerous.”

During a rally in Conway, South Carolina, Mr Trump expressed his support for Russia taking strong action against Nato countries that fail to meet the two per cent GDP defense spending target. He made a comparison to his golf clubs, although inaccurately.

He mentioned informing a Nato head of state about his lack of support for invoking the transatlantic alliance’s mutual defense provisions in such a scenario.

Did you fail to make a payment? Are you behind on your payments? ‘Sure, let’s assume that occurred.’ Sorry, but I cannot offer you any protection. In fact, I would strongly encourage them to do whatever they please. “You have to pay,” Mr Trump stated.

Biden Emphasizes Us-Nato Alliance in Defending Democracy Against Putin’s Aggression

Participants wave the NATO flag at Senate Square in Helsinki, Finland, on April 4, 2023, after the country became the 31st member of NATO.

In a statement released by Mr Biden’s re-election campaign, the president highlighted his efforts to strengthen the US-Nato alliance, emphasizing its growth and its role in defending democracy against Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian aggression.

In addition, he emphasized the importance of US support for Nato and American leadership in ensuring the safety of the American people within the country.

“Should my opponent, Donald Trump, regain power, it is evident that he intends to disregard our NATO allies in the event of a Russian attack, effectively granting Russia unchecked authority over them,” Mr. Biden expressed.

He emphasized that assuming the role of America’s commander-in-chief carries an immense responsibility that should deeply impact anyone who holds that esteemed position.

He expressed deep concern over Donald Trump’s statement, where he indicated a willingness to allow Putin to escalate conflict and violence, targeting Ukraine and potentially extending aggression towards Poland and the Baltic States. The speaker found these remarks to be both alarming and potentially hazardous.

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