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Firefighter in Florida Killed His New Wife and Then Killed Himself After Reading a Scary Facebook Post


It had been weeks since his wife wrote on Facebook that her hard job was driving him crazy, and the fireman in Florida killed her in a murder-suicide.

Sergeant Shawn Yarbrough of the St. Johns County Fire Rescue shot and killed his 34-year-old wife Andrea Yarbrough in their northeast Florida home in St. Augustine.

Yarbrough then turned the gun on himself. An incident report says that the two were found dead in an upstairs bathroom after 9 p.m. on June 13.

The married couple had four children together. They had been married for a year.

When Andrea’s mother couldn’t reach her, deputies were called to the house to make sure she was okay.

Andrea posted on Facebook on May 31 the monthly activity logs for her husband’s department. The logs showed that there were 3,203 calls for help.

“This is why all of our partners are tired and never work at home at full capacity,” she wrote next to the picture.

After almost a month, she and her husband were both dead.

The loving mother, who was a financial manager, wrote three times on Facebook after raising concerns about his working conditions. Each time, she showed pictures of their happy family.

The loving mother, who was a financial manager, wrote three times on Facebook after raising concerns about his working conditions. Each time, she showed pictures of their happy family.

The loving mother, who was a financial manager, wrote three times on Facebook after raising concerns about his working conditions. Each time, she showed pictures of their happy family.

“The recently reported events were unexpected, shocking, and tragic for all those affected,” he noted. “As a department, we are profoundly saddened by the loss of life, recognizing its enduring impact on the families and children of those affected.”

Suicides have been a problem for a long time for emergency reaction teams all over the country.

A study from the Ruderman Family Foundation says that more first responders die each year by suicide than die in the line of duty.

A study from the non-profit FirstHelp group says that between 2016 and 2022, about 1,200 police and prison officers killed themselves.

The group says that 122 police officers, 25 firemen, and 10 prison guards killed themselves last year.

Katherine Kuhlman, a psychologist who specializes in helping first responders, said that many cops and firefighters who are struggling with mental health issues don’t seek help, even though it could save their lives.

She told Fox News Digital, “There has always been a stigma around mental health in the police and fire service.” “Being heroes, they should be the ones helping other people… It seems like they’re giving up a lot if they say they think something is wrong.

Kulhman said that firefighters in particular have to deal with a lot of worry and pressure during their jobs.

“There is a lot of trauma, and there isn’t much time for people to deal with it and process it after a rough call before they have to go to the next shift or call.” “Trauma builds up over time for first responders,” she said.

Kuhlman also said that the kinds of mental health problems that cause suicide also cause murder-suicides.

The Violence Policy Center says that there are about 600 murder-suicides in the United States every year.

Someone in Yarbrough’s family set up a GoFundMe page for her daughter, and it has already raised over $10,000.

Marvin told Action Jax that her sister was strong and tough, no matter what was going on in her life.

“Andrea meant the world to everyone in our family and everyone she encountered,” he said. “Anyone who knew her knew she’d never give up, no matter how hard things got.”

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