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Florida City Ranked as the Worst Place to Drive in the State


People appreciate Florida for its pleasant weather, lovely beaches, and many activities. However, it is also known for heavy traffic, irate drivers, and high insurance costs. According to a recent survey from the financial news website 24/7 Wall St., Orlando, Florida is one of the worst driving cities in the US.

So, why Orlando?

Orlando is the top tourist destination in the United States. Every year, millions of people visit its theme parks, resorts, and entertainment venues. This, however, means that the city must deal with a large number of cars, both owned and rented, on its highways. According to the study, Orlando is a poor environment for drivers because of the following reasons:

Orlando has an average travel time of 28.2 minutes, which is more than the US average of 26.6 minutes.

Every passenger is late 57 hours per year, which exceeds the national average of 54 hours.

Each passenger spends $1,037 per year on traffic, far more than the national average of $875.

In Orlando, it is nearly twice as frequent to die in an accident as it is nationwide (6.7 per 100,000 people).

Orlando has a car theft rate of 323.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, more than tripling the national figure of 95.9 per 100,000.

What Causes it to Happen?

Several factors contribute to the poor driving conditions in Orlando, including

The city’s layout and structures were not designed to accommodate the high volume and variety of traffic. Orlando features many narrow streets, one-way roads, toll highways, and crossings that can be difficult for new drivers to navigate.

The weather and climate of the area can affect the condition of the roads and your ability to see. Storms, hurricanes, and floods occur frequently in Orlando, clogging roads and causing accidents and delays. Orlando also has high temperatures and humidity, which can cause cars and tires to break down or blow out.

The way people act and live in cities influences how and what drivers do when driving. People who drive in Orlando are known for being impolite and irritable. They accelerate tailgate, cut off other vehicles, and honk at them. There are also many busy and inebriated drivers in Orlando. Some people use their phones, eat, drink, and even apply makeup while driving. Some drivers are high on drugs or alcohol, often after visiting the city’s bars and clubs.

How Can This Be Fixed?

While there is no simple solution to Orlando’s traffic problems, there are certain things that might make things better, such as

Increased and improved public transportation can help reduce the number of cars on the road while also providing additional options for visitors and workers. There are bus, commuter train, and light rail lines in Orlando, however, they are frequently underfunded, overcrowded, and unreliable. Investing more money in these modes of transportation can make them more accessible, efficient, and cost-effective.

Improved traffic regulations and standards, as well as stricter enforcement, can discourage and punish undesirable driving practices and behaviors. There are certain traffic laws and standards in Orlando, such as speed limits, seat belt requirements, and texting laws, although drivers frequently disregard or violate them. Increasing the number of police officers and traffic cameras in a community can assist catch and punish criminals while also discouraging others from breaking the law.

Drivers and the general public might benefit from being educated and informed about the challenges and issues that arise when driving. Orlando can launch initiatives and programs to educate drivers and the general public about the dangers and consequences of reckless driving, as well as the advantages and best practices for safe and responsible driving. Orlando can also provide drivers with resources such as maps, instructions, roadside assistance, and counseling.

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