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Greg Abbott Talks with Oklahoma About Building a Wall Along the Texas Border!


CNS NewsIn an attempt to halt what he described as the “radical woke left agenda… criss-crossing the United States,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott made a joke about constructing a wall along the state’s border with Oklahoma during a campaign event on February 15. Federal agents can remove razor wire installed at points along the border on Abbott’s orders, according to a Supreme Court ruling on January 22.

This decision has added fuel to the fire of rising tensions over illegal immigration from Mexico to Texas. In response, Abbott became enraged, claiming that Texas was under attack and citing its “constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.” With 25 other Republican governors signing on to a letter supporting Abbott, the move garnered substantial conservative support.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump urged these governors to dispatch their National Guard troops to assist the Texas authorities. While speaking at a Lumberton rally in support of Republican Janis Holt, Abbott endorsed Holt’s bid for a seat in the Texas House of Representatives.

“There are challenges that we face in this state that are sweeping across the country, including this radical woke left agenda that we see criss-crossing the United States and even coming across the border of the Red River,” the Texas governor added, addressing her supporters. “I’ll get around to talking about the border but some people say; ‘Abbott you need to build a border wall on the border with Oklahoma to stop all this stuff from coming in.'”

The governor’s comment caused the assembled audience to burst out laughing. Texas and Oklahoma, another state governed by Republicans, share the Red River as a border. The Republican Party controls both houses of Oklahoma’s legislature and is led by Republican Governor Kevin Stitt.

After reaching out to Abbott’s press office via email, Newsweek sought an explanation as to why the governor perceives a unique threat emanating from conservative-dominated Oklahoma.

Next Steps?

Tensions over the border between Texas and Mexico are high, even though there is no serious plan to construct a wall between the two states of Oklahoma and Texas. To aid in border security, Republican Missouri Governor Mike Parson announced on Tuesday that 200 National Guard soldiers and 22 Highway Patrol troopers would be sent from the state.

“The fentanyl crisis here in our state is fueling the crisis at the Southern Border,” he said at a press conference. People in Missouri are losing their lives, communities are crumbling, and children in Missouri are becoming victims. The open-border policies implemented by the Biden administration were careless, negligent, and ultimately unsuccessful.

Greg Abbott Talks with Oklahoma About Building a Wall Along the Texas Border!

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Now that we have an open border in the south, every state is technically on the border. We have waited long enough for President Biden and the federal government to take action against the increase in human trafficking, the free flow of fentanyl into our communities, and illegal immigration to our nation.

The state of Missouri will take action by sending its troops to the border to protect the country. Several states that are controlled by the Republican Party have either already sent National Guard troops to the border with Texas or are contemplating doing so.

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