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Guilty Plea Entered by Former University of Kentucky Student Featured in Viral N-Word Incident Video


A story says that on Monday, a white former University of Kentucky student who was caught on camera yelling racial slurs at a black student pleaded guilty to several charges.

Sophia Rosing, who is 23 years old, abused keyboard worker Kylah Spring in a dorm in November 2022. Scary videos quickly became popular online, and Rosing was soon kicked off campus and fired from her job as a school influencer.

Fred Peters, Rosing’s lawyer, told the Lexington Herald-Leader that she pleaded guilty to four counts of fourth-degree attack, one count of disorderly conduct, and one count of being drunk in public. He said that his client would have to do 100 hours of community service and pay a $25 fine for 12 months.

He told the Herald-Leader, “Her life has been on hold for 18 to 20 months.” “She wrote a nice letter to say she’s sorry after having a lot of time to think about what she did.”

The police report says that Rosing went into Boyd Hall on the U.K. campus the night of the incident and started calling Spring names, including racial slurs. A video of Rosing’s drunken rant shows that she used more than 200 slurs in 10 minutes. Even when the police arrived, she kept using them. A police report says she also bit one of the cops.

The video made a lot of people angry, and there was a big protest on campus to stand with Spring and condemn racism.

Peters told everyone at the time that Rosing would be leaving the college. He told NBC News, “She’s a very, very sad and embarrassed young woman.” He also said that he would get her “into some kind of treatment program and sensitivity program to help her through this situation.”

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