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How Washington Voters Can Repeal the State’s Carbon Emissions Tax


SPOKANE, WA — This November, Washington voters will have the opportunity to abolish the state’s ambitious climate law, the Climate Commitment Act.

The authors of this new campaign say that the law has created a hidden gas tax, which is raising gas and energy prices.

The Climate Commitment Act passed in 2021, aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by introducing a cap-and-invest mechanism that limits overall carbon emissions.

The CCA mandates firms that emit more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon per year to get emission allowances. Those who do not comply face fines.

Supporters of Initiative 2117, which will be on the November ballot, believe that the CCA’s expenses to businesses are rising consumer prices.

The group sponsoring the project, Let’s Go Washington, claims that the CCA directly impacts prices.

“Just a few months after the CCA was enacted, Washington state had the nation’s highest gas prices, ” spokesman Hallie Balch stated. “Energy costs for homes and businesses skyrocket by an average of 40%.”

While it is difficult to identify an exact correlation, gas prices in Washington did rise dramatically just a few months after the program was implemented.

While gas prices have dropped, Initiative 2117 proponents claim firms have backed off this year. Chevron verified to PBS via email that the program increased gasoline prices by 10%.

According to Washington, the CCA’s auctions have raised more than $2 billion for the state.

Those opposed to the initiative argue that eliminating the program would harm people’s health.


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