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In Georgia, a New House Bill Would Officially Designate Trespassing as A Criminal Offense!


CNS NewsIn response to ongoing concerns over squatters exploiting legal loopholes to occupy vacant properties in metro Atlanta, a new bill has been introduced at the State Capitol aimed at addressing the issue. The Georgia Squatter Reform Act, designated as House Bill 1017, seeks to clarify that squatting constitutes a criminal offense to be addressed by law enforcement agencies.

State Representative Matt Reeves, a proponent of the bill, emphasized its intention to put an end to squatters taking advantage of properties without legal authorization. Reeves underscored the need to prevent squatters from living rent-free for extended periods, a problem highlighted in investigative reports by Channel 2 Action News.

The proposed legislation aims to redefine squatting as criminal trespassing, thereby shifting the responsibility for enforcement from civil courts to law enforcement authorities. It also criminalizes the falsification of lease documents, aiming to curb fraudulent practices associated with squatting.

The bill’s proponents argue that it provides much-needed protection for property owners and aims to deter individuals from engaging in illegal squatting activities. They assert that the legislation would empower law enforcement agencies to take swift action against squatters, providing relief to property owners who often face financial burdens due to squatting.

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The introduction of the Georgia Squatter Reform Act follows recent revelations of an Instagram account facilitating squatting arrangements for a one-time payment, further underscoring the urgency of addressing the issue. The account, which purportedly provided keys and leases for squatter homes, exemplified the brazenness of individuals exploiting legal ambiguities for personal gain.

State Representative Deborah Silcox condemned squatting as an invasion of property rights, emphasizing the detrimental impact on homeowners and communities. Representative Reeves characterized squatters as “stealing the American dream,” highlighting the severity of the issue and the need for decisive legislative action.

The bill is scheduled for review by the judiciary committee, signaling a proactive response by state lawmakers to address the growing concern over squatting in Georgia. Lawmakers expressed optimism that the legislation would provide enhanced protections for property owners and deter individuals from engaging in unlawful squatting activities.

In Georgia, a New House Bill Would Officially Designate Trespassing as A Criminal Offense!

In response to investigative reporting exposing the Instagram account facilitating squatting, the platform deactivated the account, signaling a potential crackdown on platforms facilitating illegal activities. The Georgia Squatter Reform Act represents a significant step towards safeguarding property rights and deterring unlawful squatting practices, reflecting lawmakers’ commitment to addressing pressing issues affecting communities across the state.

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