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In Texas, I Had a Miscarriage. My Doctors Prioritized the Abortion Law!


CNS NewsThe harrowing experience of a woman in Texas underscores the chilling impact of the state’s restrictive abortion laws, particularly in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. The woman’s ordeal began on Labor Day when signs of a miscarriage at nine weeks led her to the ER. The fear was palpable, heightened by the recent Supreme Court ruling, which resonated deeply with her as she navigated the healthcare system.

Her time in the ER was marked by a series of standard, yet seemingly cold inquiries, followed by hours of waiting, sonograms, and ultrasounds. Eventually, a diagnosis of miscarriage was confirmed, with no heartbeat detected and no possibility of reversing the miscarriage.

This devastating news was compounded by the stark reality in Texas post-Dobbs: medical care options were now drastically limited. Having previously experienced a miscarriage in Washington, D.C., where she received a D&C procedure, the contrast in Texas was stark. In Texas, she was advised to take Advil for pain, with instructions to return only under severe conditions.

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This led to a grueling experience at home, marked by intense pain and fear, ultimately necessitating another ER visit. The situation in Texas is grim for women facing similar circumstances. The legal risks for doctors performing abortions, even in cases of miscarriage, loom large, with potential fines and imprisonment. This has led to a healthcare environment where legal concerns overshadow patient care.

The woman’s experience is not an isolated incident. It reflects a broader, distressing trend in Texas and potentially other states, where women’s health and lives are jeopardized by stringent laws and the politicization of healthcare. The story is a stark reminder of the human cost of such legislation, calling for urgent attention and action.

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