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Indiana Man Allegedly Poisons Wife’s Coca-Cola with Drugs to Marry Her Daughter, Docs Reveal


RICHMOND, Ind. — A guy in Indiana who planned to poison his wife’s Coca-Cola with different drugs, kill her, and marry her daughter has been sentenced after pleading guilty.

Alfred W. Ruf, 71, admitted to severe battery with a high risk of death in Wayne County Court on Monday. This is a level 3 crime. Ruf was originally charged with plotting to kill someone, but the charge was dropped, and he was given a four-year prison sentence and five years of probation.

Ruf is being charged because his wife was hospitalized several times in 2021 and tested positive for drugs she said she didn’t take. Ruf is said to have told the cops that he poisoned her to kill her and marry her daughter.

Ruf’s wife first called the police in January 2022 after Rud told her he was trying to poison her to kill her. She said she had been to the hospital six times in the last week for headaches, sleepiness, diarrhea, and other symptoms she couldn’t explain.

The woman said that an MDMA, cocaine, and benzodiazepine test at the hospital showed that she was high. She said she had never used the drugs that were found in her system, though.

When police went to Ruf and his wife’s house, they heard Ruf say that he had been “spiking” his wife’s drink with a “unknown substance” that his wife’s daughter had given him. The wife could give the cops a pill bottle full of the off-white powdery substance and a Coke can that had an off-white residue on it.

Ruf was taken to the sheriff’s office for an interview while his wife was taken back to the hospital for a blood and pee test. Ruf is said to have admitted to the crime after saying he knew what his Miranda rights were.

Ruf is said to have told cops that three months ago, his wife’s daughter from a previous marriage gave him a pill bottle with white powder inside. Ruf told the daughter that he had been having sex with her, and she told him to put the powder in his wife’s drink.

In court documents, it is written that Ruf said the drug would put his wife to sleep for about 13 hours. “He said he was going to do this to kill her in the end.”

Ruf told the police that his daughter and a friend had told him to put the powder in his wife’s Coke can and wait for her to fall asleep. Ruf said that the daughter and her friend would then come to his house and “put on a show.”

According to reports, Ruf said that while he was having sex with one of the women, the other woman would often break into his house and steal his wife’s things. It was said that he would then pay the woman for the sex acts.

Ruf’s daughter is said to have told him that they should “get mom out of the picture” and get the life insurance. Ruf also said that his daughter would want to marry him after they “cared for” his wife.

Ruf told the police that he poisoned his wife’s drink about 12 times between the beginning of September 2021 and the end of December 2021. He always said that the daughter and her friend would come over after the wife went to sleep.

Police wrote, “Ruf said he knew the substance would kill his wife in the end… and that it was their ultimate goal to kill her.”

Ruf is said to have told his wife that he poisoned her on January 3 “because he felt bad.” But the wife told the police that she had talked to Ruf because she was concerned, and he admitted to “drugging” her so he could sleep with the daughter and friend.

Court records show that Ruf’s wife had told the police several times in the months before her husband was arrested that personal things had gone missing. She had also told Indiana State Police before that she thought someone was giving her drugs.

When Ruf was caught in January 2022, police in the area said they were still looking into two other suspects who were linked to the case. But so far, no one has been caught.


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