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It’s a Close Race in New York, but Latimer Has a Large Lead Over Bowman


The Democratic primary for the New York House of Representatives is very close. A new poll shows that George Latimer, the executive of Westchester County, is ahead of Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) by 17 points.

Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill released a poll on Tuesday that showed Latimer ahead of Bowman in the primary for New York’s 16th Congressional District, with 48% of respondents supporting her and 31% supporting Bowman. 21% of respondents were still unsure.

Five hundred and eleven percent of those who answered the poll liked Bowman, while four hundred thirty-three percent did not. In contrast, 65% said they liked Latimer, while 23% said they didn’t like the county leader.

In a press release, Spencer Kimball, executive head of Emerson College Polling, said, “Voters under 40 break for Bowman: 44% to 35%. Voters over 40 break for Latimer.”

People between the ages of 40 and 59 who vote in the Democratic primary break for Latimer 53% to 31%. People in their 60s break for Latimer 46% to 29%, and people over 70 break for Latimer 53% to 22%.

The numbers show how hard it will be for the two-term leader to win re-election in the June 25 primary. When the House censured Bowman for setting off a fire alarm during a key vote on government spending last year, he was hit with a lot of bad press. After the event, he was also charged with a crime, but the House Democrat has said that it was an error.

Key Democratic groups and Democrats are split over the Democratic primary between Latimer and Bowman. Latimer was backed by the pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee in the primary, and former Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.), who is also running for Congress this year, caused a stir when he backed Bowman’s opponent.

At the same time, leftist lawmakers like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.), as well as well-known groups like the powerful United Auto Workers, have backed Bowman.

Since the seat always votes blue, the person who wins the Democratic primary later this month has a very good chance of winning in November.

From June 6–8, 425 potential Democratic primary voters in New York’s 16th Congressional District were polled by Emerson College Polling, PIX11, and The Hill. Plus or minus 4.7 percentage points is the range of the mistake.

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