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Legal Battles Erupt Over Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Bible Teaching Mandate


A case was brought against the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s order that Bibles must be used in schools, saying that it violates the Constitution.

So far, Joseph Price, who says he is a worried parent, has only filed one case in Mayes County. Price says Walters’ order goes against the split of church and state and limits the religious freedom of Oklahomans.

This past weekend, four advocacy groups said they were going to ask the department for information about the mandate. They said that they would look at those records to see if they wanted to go to court.

Ryan Walters seems to want to break the U.S. Constitution and the Oklahoma Constitution in a very clear way. This person wants to break his office oath to force his religious views on families, students, and teachers all over the state, according to Patrick Elliott, the head of the Freedom from Religion Foundation.

The ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, along with Elliott’s group, have asked the State Department of Education for all the information they can find on the requirement.

If you asked Alex Luchenitser from Americans United for Separation of Church and State if the information request could lead to a lawsuit, he said that it is possible.

“That’s being looked at.” We’re talking about it. As we talk to each other and people on the ground, we’re doing a study on it, Luchenitser said.

State Superintendent Ryan Walters insisted that his job is still going ahead, even though there are more and more court challenges.

“It’s really important. It’s an important part of our past. WALSH said, “We have to have it in the classroom.”

In reaction to the lawsuit and the request for records, Walters says that the advice given to school districts is clear and that the groups asking for the records get in the way of students’ success.

“School districts will follow the clear instructions given to them, and all academic standards will be met.” Extremists on the left in Oklahoma will not change history, Walters said in a statement. “These out-of-state, left-wing activists are as dedicated to thwarting academic advancement in Oklahoma as they are wrong about the use of the Bible as an instructional support in our classrooms.”

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