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Man with Bleeding Scalp from Hair Transplant Arrested in Miami After Refusing to Disembark Plane


A guy who was bleeding from the head after surgery was arrested Tuesday because he wouldn’t get off an American Airlines flight from Miami to Las Vegas, police said.

A police report received by NBC News on Thursday says that Eugenio Hernandez-Garnier, 27, was asked to get off American Airlines Flight 1858 because he was “bleeding from his forehead and had a bloody bandage wrapped around his head.”

There was blood on the ground, and Hernandez-Garnier was asked to clean it up and put new bandages on it, but he said he didn’t have any clean ones.

The document says that Hernandez-Garnier was asked to leave the plane more than once by an American Airlines supervisor. “Because he was bleeding from the head and the crew was worried about his health and the possibility of crossing body fluids,”

Hernandez-Garnier and his 32-year-old wife, Yusleydis Loyola Blanca, were arrested and charged with trespassing and resisting an officer without violence, according to the statement and the lawyers for the couple.

The commotion meant that the more than 100 people on the Monday night flight had to get off and wait until Tuesday, according to the airline and the affidavit.

He told NBC South Florida that he went to Miami to get liposuction and a hair graft. He also had medical treatments done on his wife, such as a breast lift and liposuction.

Loyola went live on TikTok as she was being taken off the plane, and thousands of people watched.

This is what Loyola said on camera in Spanish: “You guys know I’ve had a breast lift and arm liposuction. I can’t even walk.” “Dial 911.” We are being mistreated and biased against.

Two police officers are seen putting Hernandez Garnier’s arms behind his back in the video. After he screams, his wife starts yelling, “Look, he just had surgery! He just had surgery!”

She yells at the first cop, “Don’t put down my phone!” “They’re hitting him after he just had surgery!”

Based on NBC South Florida, she was then pushed off the plane and yelled, “My breasts!”

The couple’s lawyer, Michael Iglesia, said Thursday that the two are from Las Vegas and went to Miami for medical treatments that he would not describe.

Hernandez-Garnier wasn’t bleeding from the head, Iglesia said; he said it was dry blood. He also said that the couple had a note from their doctor saying that they could fly. Due to their “delicate state,” they got past security and were let on the plane before other people because they were in a “delicate state.”

Iglesia said that Hernandez-Garnier had a problem because people were whining.

“After about 20 minutes of sitting in his seat, boarding was over, and he was told to get off the plane,” Iglesia said. “People were uncomfortable with how he looked.”

Thursday, American Airlines said in a statement that “two customers became disruptive and did not follow crew member instructions.”

“Law enforcement responded and took both customers off the plane,” the statement read. “We appreciate how hard our crew worked and are sorry for the trouble this caused our customers.”


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