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More Kids May Get Covid-19 When They Go Back to School


COVID-19 is happening in Louisville, Kentucky. The Centers for Disease Control says that 19 cases are rising quickly across the country.

Along with more cases, there are more trips to the emergency room, hospitalizations, and deaths.

The COVID-19 level in Kentucky and Indiana is still low, but UofL Health experts say that could change as thousands of kids return to school.

A sick student can talk to and possibly spread dozens of other students during the school day.

“It’s just the way people talk to each other in general,” Dr. Mark Burns said. “If they’re not at home, they’ll be getting together with other people.” It’s too bad that if they’re infectious, they will spread it.

UofL Health wants to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses, so if your student has a fever or cough that won’t go away, they should stay home.

To lower the chance of COVID-19 spreading, the CDC says to wear a mask and keep your distance from other people.

They also say to get tested and treated to lower the risk of getting a serious illness.

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