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Mother Goes Viral for Picking Up Trash with Her Children Right After Completing 5K Race


A mom went viral after picking up trash for her kids while she was finishing a 5K run.

This month, Kacy McKenzie, a mother from Tennessee, shared a video on Instagram in which she could be seen running across the finish line. In the background, her husband, who shot the video, was cheering her on and telling his kids, “There’s mommy!”

McKenzie’s son saw some trash on the tracks and told his mother to pick it up while he watched from the stands. And then the runner crossed the finish line. As she came up to the sidelines, her family welcomed her.

“Mommy,” she said. Could you get that?” The piece of plastic on the floor was being talked about by her son.

McKenzie then bent down to pick up the trash and replied to her kids’ question in a very funny way. She joked, “Yeah, let me stop what I was doing and help everyone.” “Moms do that.”

She smiled and gave her child a piece of plastic. Then she raised her arms. At the end of the movie, the parent ran for a short time on the track.

She made fun of the fact that her kids asked for her help right after she finished the 5K in the post’s description.

“Why doesn’t mom get a high five first?” She wrote it and added an emoji of a smiling face.

More than 91,800 people have liked the video on Instagram in a short amount of time. A lot of people in the comments liked how the mom responded when her kids asked her to pick up the trash. People on social media also said that the kids’ dad should have stepped in and brought attention to his wife’s big accomplishment.

“Love her for calling her b**ch on the way by,” one person wrote. “Ah, another married single mom,” said someone else. She did the right thing by pointing that out.

“Daddy should have really sent the kids here,” wrote a third. Or at least made himself feel better. All around, “Good job, mom!”

Others said they felt bad for the mother because her kids didn’t cheer her on or praise her when she crossed the finish line.

One person wrote, “I’m really sad for her.” “I think she was looking forward to seeing them cheer for her, and she got it.”

‘Don’t worry Mom with that, I’ll get it for you in a minute,’ Again, someone wrote, “GOOD JOB HONEY PROUD OF YOU!!” They said that’s how they thought the kids’ dad should have handled the situation.

“Like I would have walked by my family and pretended I didn’t know them,” said a third person in the comments.

Today talked to her about why she shared the video in the first place and how she defended her husband against the criticism.

“This is our life every day as moms,” she said. Oh my goodness, he worked hard to get this movie, just like I asked. My husband is there for me.

The mother of two said she wanted to “have a word” with her kids about what was going on, but instead, she said something “spicy” to them when they asked her to pick up the trash in the first place.

Aside from that, she said she wouldn’t say no to helping her family after the race. She said, “As a mother who loves her family, I never thought not to pick it up.” “I didn’t think about it.”

Then McKenzie talked about how people on social media called her the “default parent.” This is a term for a mother that kids go to for help, even when their dad is around. However, McKenzie says she didn’t always object when her kids asked her to pick up trash after the race.

“There are two ways to look at it: kids want you to help them, but don’t they know that the moment is bigger than them?” she asked. “They’re also lucky to know that moms are there to help.” That’s also our job; my son knew Supermom was coming.

She intended to share her movie with other moms who have a good sense of humor. She then praised parents who are always there for their kids when they need help.

“This happens to moms 100 times a day,” she said. “Maybe not at the finish line of a 5K, but all day, every day.” “I’m glad my kids see me that way, but being the hero isn’t always easy.”


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