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NASA Provides Update on YR4 Asteroid: Chances of Earth Impact Slashed



Regular asteroids pass over Earth, but thankfully, NASA monitors them, and the majority end up not being dangerous to humankind.

Yet, because of the remote possibility of a collision with our planet, a space rock may occasionally be regarded as a possible hazard. These potentially dangerous objects include the recently found near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4. On December 22, 2032, the 40–90 m-long rock might strike somewhere on Earth.

To be clear, you don’t have to start spending money on an armored bunker.

NASA confirmed that the probability of the YR4 asteroid hitting Earth has reduced

Even on the modest side of its estimated size, a direct collision with this asteroid might destroy a city; therefore, it is worth monitoring. The rock had the highest recorded risk of violently colliding with Earth at one time, 3.1%. Since then, as astronomers collect more information on the future orbit of 2024 YR4, the probabilities have dropped to 1.5 percent and could very probably continue to plummet sharply (to zero). However, there’s also a 0.8 percent possibility that the rock may strike the moon.

The detection proves that the mechanism we have in place to protect Earth from deadly space objects is operating like a properly maintained worldwide machine. Observations from throughout the world help identify objects that are close to Earth. The European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA have also created automated computer programs that can track every potentially hazardous asteroid and comet discovered to date with a high degree of precision. Identifying incoming asteroids before they find us is a fundamental tenet of planetary defense. Here’s how ESA, NASA, and its partners go about it.

NASA’s explorers and asteroid sentinels

Any telescope in the world can help with planetary defense: astronomers anywhere on Earth can notify the planetary defense community if they see an object that resembles an asteroid (or comet). However, it should be mentioned that NASA maintains a global network of telescopes devoted to searching for unknown comets and asteroids. A telescope in Chile, which is a component of the previously stated NASA-funded Asteroid Terrestrial Last Landfall Warning System (ATLAS) equipment, discovered Asteroid 2024 YR4 on December 27 of last year.

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When astronomers identify an undiscovered asteroid, they report it to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. This serves as a kind of public bulletin board for astronomers. Following these preliminary sightings, interested astronomers can use their telescopes to locate it. It is important to highlight that when a new object is found, the asteroid and comet tracking teams at NASA and ESA get to work. ESA’s Near-Earth Object Coordination Center (NEOCC) and NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) are both involved. Let’s concentrate on NEOCC since the two accomplish nearly the same thing.

The object’s expected future orbits are first plotted by an automated computer algorithm called Scout using the available collection of observations. Scout’s task is to determine the probability that this object will impact Earth within the next month, although these orbital predictions are highly uncertain due to the limited amount of data. These calculations are made by Scout even before it is determined that the object is an asteroid and not a satellite or other man-made object. It is designed to be a very early warning system that can help an endangered nation defend itself or evacuate its people. NASA’s Sentry program takes over if the item is a true asteroid and does not provide an immediate impact risk.

With every new asteroid observation, this automatic software updates its projections to determine if there is a high or low chance that the asteroid will strike the globe during the next century. Sentry determines an asteroid’s potential future orbits by using the gravitational pull of the sun and planets in the solar system. It can also ascertain how an asteroid’s long-term orbit could be altered by a force known as the Yarkovsky effect, which would gradually alter the asteroid’s speed.

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