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Oklahoma Woman Arrested on Charges of Human Trafficking


WARR ACRES, Oklahoma – On Thursday, August 1, a woman was arrested on suspicion of selling a child.

The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics says that on July 29, 2024, its Human Trafficking Unit and the Warr Acres Police Department went to an apartment to investigate a report of trafficking people.

“Warr Acres police found a minor in the apartment who may have been a victim of human trafficking,” said Mark Woodward, spokesman for OBN. “OBN’s Human Trafficking Unit responded and talked to the child and her mother. Our investigators found enough proof to show that the child was being trafficked by Sarah Larayna Holland, who is related to the family.”

A report from OBN says Holland would post ads on adult websites to set up dates with the victim.

“Holland set up dates between the minor and people who responded to the ads and even “coached” her on how to act on these dates,” Woodward said.

Police say Holland was arrested and could be charged with many things, such as Trafficking in Persons or Using a Computer to Break the Law. As the case goes on, more people may be arrested.

“OBN is thankful that the victim and her mother were brave enough to come forward and help us catch this trafficker.” Don Anderson, Director of OBN, said, “We want other victims to know they don’t have to be afraid, they are not alone, and there are services to help them get better.”

If you think someone is being trafficked, you can call OBN’s Human Trafficking Tip Line at 855-617-2288 or send a direct message on Facebook to OBN.


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