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Pennsylvania Ranked #1 for Pizza in America – Yes, Seriously!


Pickles on pizza may sound odd, almost as crazy as believing Pennsylvania is the number one state for pizza – but a 2024 study indicates that PA outperforms the competition.

Clever, a website that helps customers make wiser real estate decisions and connects them with realtors, examined numerous pizza categories, including “Pizza Passion” and Yelp reviews, to find the top pizza city in America.

With Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in the top ten, they declared Pennsylvania the number one pizza state in 2024.

Philadelphia outranked Pittsburgh, moving from fourth to tenth place. The city has 11.2 pizzerias per 100,000 citizens. Clever claims that’s 33% higher than the average city’s 8.4 per 100,000. They also claimed that purchasing a cheese pizza in Philadelphia once a week for a year costs 1.21 percent of the average resident’s annual salary.

Clever reported that Pittsburgh has 14.4 pizzerias per 100,000 persons. The city’s “pizza passion” score is 90 out of 100. The score is calculated using Google Search Analytics.

Pittsburgh also ranks second and third in Sicilian pizza and tomato pies, respectively.

Both cities are in the top five for Sicilian pizza and tomato pie cities.

What else can be said about Pennsylvania?

Clever demonstrates that Pennsylvania favors pizza over tacos, burgers, and barbecues. Cheese pizza outbakes pepperoni pizza, and we prefer New York style to Chicago type. When it comes to pineapple, Pennsylvania usually says “pass.”

Clever also states that after two years at the top, Detroit fell to ninth place this year, allowing Denver Colorado to emerge to become the number one pizza city in the United States.

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