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Sexual Assaults in Milwaukee; Convicted Sex Offender Charged Again


MILWAUKEE – A man who has been convicted of sex crimes is now being accused of sexually attacking two women on Milwaukee’s Upper East Side almost a year apart.

54-year-old Scott Dykas was charged in the case. Court records show that he is still being held on a $100,000 cash bail.

Around 10 p.m., police were called to a report of a sexual attack. The victim, who is 28 years old, said she was walking at night, which is something she always does, when she felt something touch her right hand. When she turned around, she saw a man with his hat up.

The woman said the man sexually assaulted her after telling her to “calm down and be quiet” and putting her in a “loose chokehold.” The victim then took a knife out of her fanny pack and stabbed the man in the side. The two then split up.

He then said, “I have one too,” reached into his jacket, and walked back toward the victim, the victim said in the complaint. The woman then pepper-sprayed the man and ran home to call the cops.

The lawsuit says Dykas went to the hospital just after midnight on July 26, less than two hours after the alleged sexual assault, and was asked how he was stabbed.

The complaint says Dykas kept claiming to be somewhere else, sometimes saying he was on Bradford Avenue, where the sexual assault happened, or Brady Street. He finally said “Two Hispanic males” stabbed him on the south side of the city. People say that while he was in the hospital, he “repeatedly tried to wipe off his left hand and tried to clean out the nail beds of his fingers.”

At the hospital, police arrested Dykas. The lawsuit says that he told her at the time, “I just keep digging myself deeper and deeper holes.”

When police checked Dykas’s black Ford SUV, they found a black hooded sweatshirt with a cut and blood on it. This is where the victim of the Oakland and Bradford assault said she stabbed her attacker.

The person who was raped in 2023 couldn’t pick Dykas out of a lineup until he was in jail for the 2024 case, according to the suit.

For the first time, Dykas is being charged with sexual assault in the second degree, reckless damage in the first degree, and sexual assault in the second degree.

According to records from the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Dykas was found guilty of first-degree sexual assault in 1988 and given a 20-year prison term. In 2008, he was set free.

It looks like Dykas did both of the attacks he is now accused of doing. Online court records show that he was looked into for a similar beating in 2014, but no charges were brought.


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