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Shocking Attack: Texas Man Bit Woman’s Nose After Claiming She Worked at Gentleman’s Club!


CNS NewsDavid Morin Jr., a 34-year-old man from Texas, is facing severe legal repercussions following a harrowing incident in July 2023, where he allegedly inflicted grave injuries on a woman, culminating in the biting off of a portion of her nose.

This act of violence, purportedly triggered by Morin’s outrage over the woman’s employment at a gentleman’s club, adds a disturbing chapter to his history of aggression towards her, including a prior assault in 2019. The attack, described in police affidavits, was premeditated and brutal, beginning with Morin breaking into the woman’s home.

The altercation escalated rapidly, leading to the physical assault that left the victim in dire need of medical and surgical intervention. Morin’s subsequent arrest by the San Antonio Police Department underscores the severity of his actions and the ongoing risk he poses to individuals and the community at large.

Shocking Attack: Texas Man Bit Woman's Nose After Claiming She Worked at Gentleman's Club!

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This incident not only sheds light on the personal vendettas that can escalate into violent crime but also raises broader questions about societal attitudes towards certain professions and the extent to which personal grievances can manifest in life-threatening behavior.

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