SSA Confirms Exception How to Receive Your January Social Security Payment Early
It’s Christmas and the Social Security has announced a measure that will benefit many retirees! Take note because they have announced the advance payment for the month of January! This move is a Christmas gift for those who depend on this income, since they will receive the money earlier than expected. Below, we explain what this change means and how it can affect the beneficiaries.
Who will benefit from this advance?
This advance will be applied exclusively to beneficiaries of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program. That is, those people who receive a monthly payment from the Social Security Administration. In this case, this program is intended for people over 65 years of age who receive their retirement pension, those people with disabilities (including blindness) or those families who do not have sufficient income or resources to cover their basic needs.
For those who are not aware, it is important to remember that each Social Security payment is made through an organized program whereby the income is sent in stages during each month.
This means that not all beneficiaries receive the money at the same time, but they do receive it on a fixed date for each group of beneficiaries. If we look at the SSA calendar, we will notice that the change in the date on which this month’s payments will be made was already planned.
Why this change in this month’s payments?
It is because many times, the payments coincide with national holidays, and the SSA does not want any beneficiary to suffer delays (because they could cause economic havoc for both him and his family), so the SSA decides to advance the payment one day earlier so that it is made one day before the scheduled date (which would be the holiday).
Let us explain it in another way: if the SSA sends money on a holiday, this would mean that the beneficiary would receive it one or two days after it was issued. Now imagine that for a person who does not have enough resources to make ends meet, their SSA payment is delayed two more days. This could cause great havoc in the family economy of this person, so, payments that coincide with national holidays are advanced by one day.
That is why this month of December we will see this change twice: both on Christmas Wednesday and on New Year’s Wednesday. We will explain this a little further down, but they will be made on December 24th and December 31st
So, who will receive their December payment in advance from Social Security?
We already know that payments to retirees are divided into three groups: those born between the 1st and the 10th of each month (they receive their payment on the second Wednesday of each month), those born between the 11th and the 20th of each month (they receive their payment on the third Wednesday) and those born between the 21st and the 31st of each month (they receive it on the fourth Wednesday of each month).
This last group is the one that will receive the payment, that is, those people born between the 21st and the 31st will receive their payment on Tuesday the 24th instead of Wednesday the 25th.
In addition to this, as we have already mentioned before, there will be another payment in 2024, but be careful! It will be the first payment of 2025!!
In this case, it is about the beneficiaries of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program, this is normally made on the 1st of each month, as the first day of the month, January 1, is a holiday, it will be made on December 31.
This does not mean that it is another payment for 2024 but that it is the first payment month of 2025!! Remember, therefore, that in January you will not receive the SSI payment because you will have received it on December 31
Other SSI payment changes for 2025
While the January advance payment is significant, it is not an isolated case. During 2025, SSI beneficiaries will see more changes and these are the months in which they will occur:
- February
- March
- June
- September
- November
So, take note of those months to keep a close eye on your bank account!