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Terminally Ill Missouri Woman to End Life in Switzerland Amid Struggle with Lung Disease


A 79-year-old Missouri mother, Gayle Hendrix, is set to travel to Switzerland later this month to end her life through assisted suicide before her debilitating disease makes the journey impossible.

Hendrix, from Cape Girardeau, has endured a painful battle with lupus and interstitial lung disease for the past four years. Though her friends might say she doesn’t appear near death, Hendrix insists otherwise.

“My friends will say, ‘But you don’t look or sound or act like somebody who is near death.’ But I am dying, and that’s what I want to control,” Hendrix shared in an interview with local station 12 KFVS.

Tied to an oxygen machine and struggling to walk short distances, Hendrix explained her desire to maintain dignity as her condition deteriorated. “I’ve had a great life, and I want to have some dignity when I’m going to the next phase,” she added.

Once an avid traveler and outdoor enthusiast, Hendrix has been forced to slow down significantly due to her illness. Her daughter, Charlene Foeste, recounted fond memories of her mother’s active life, “She always either had three jobs or she was going somewhere, like to concerts or festivals.”

Foeste, while not in agreement with her mother’s decision, is choosing to stand by her during this difficult time. “You don’t have to agree with people, but you do have to love and support people,” she expressed.

In just a few days, the mother-daughter duo will embark on a plane to Switzerland, where Hendrix will undergo the procedure on September 26. The process, she explained, involves an IV that will first put her to sleep before a second drug stops her bodily functions.

Although several U.S. states allow assisted suicide, Hendrix opted for Switzerland, where laws are more flexible. Reflecting on her decision, Hendrix said, “I don’t want to get to the point of, ‘This is existing, not living.’”

Despite the heartbreaking circumstances, Hendrix’s family is choosing to honor her wishes and make the most of the remaining time they have together. “It’s been hard, but I’ve been blessed to have her as my mom,” Foeste said.

Hendrix’s body will be cremated, and her ashes returned to Missouri after the procedure.


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