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Texas EMS Workers Struggle with Increased Demands at Border!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeIn Eagle Pass, Texas, a small town on the U.S.-Mexico border, the surge in migration has brought an unprecedented strain on local emergency services. The Eagle Pass Fire Department, already stretched thin in serving its 28,000 residents, has had to dedicate one of its five ambulances full-time to assist migrants injured while crossing the treacherous Rio Grande or navigating barbed wire barriers.

This situation has thrown a spotlight on the human cost of the ongoing border crisis. Chief Manuel Mello III and his team of about 50 paramedics and emergency medical technicians have faced a dramatic increase in calls, averaging 217 migrant-related emergencies per month.

These incidents range from drownings and injuries from barbed wire to heat exhaustion and hypothermia. The financial toll is significant, with the department spending around $150,000 monthly on ambulance costs for migrant-related emergencies, excluding the additional expenses of overtime and equipment replacement.

The situation in Eagle Pass is a microcosm of the larger border crisis impacting several small towns along the U.S.-Mexico border. As cities like New York and Chicago struggle with the influx of migrants, border towns face the immediate challenge of providing emergency medical services to those in dire need.

The surge has not only strained resources but also raised questions about the sustainability of such efforts in the long term. Local law enforcement, too, is feeling the pressure. Eagle Pass Police Chief Federico Garza notes that his force of 74 officers is frequently diverted from regular duties to address migrant-related calls.

The impending implementation of a new Texas law empowering local officers to conduct migrant arrests adds another layer of complexity to an already challenging situation. The real-life implications of the border surge are evident in the experiences of emergency medical technicians like Harish Garcia.

Garcia recounts a particularly distressing incident where a mother and daughter, both not breathing after attempting to cross the Rio Grande, ultimately succumbed despite the efforts of the emergency crew. The cumulative effect of these challenges is taking a toll not only on the emergency services but also on the town’s residents.

Longtime Eagle Pass resident Leandro Gonzalez expresses concerns about safety and the environmental impact of the migrant influx. As federal and state authorities grapple with policy decisions, the day-to-day reality in Eagle Pass underscores the urgent need for effective and humane solutions to the border crisis.

Texas EMS Workers Struggle with Increased Demands at Border!

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The experiences of its ambulance workers serve as a stark reminder of the human costs of policy and political inaction, emphasizing the need for a collaborative and comprehensive approach to immigration and border management.

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