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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Promises More Migrants to NYC And Additional Cities until Biden ‘Secures the Border’!


Texas Governor Greg Abbott has intensified efforts to transport migrants to various U.S. cities, including New York City, as a response to what he perceives as inadequate border security measures under President Biden’s administration. This initiative, known as Operation Lone Star, commenced in 2021 and has since seen the relocation of nearly 70,000 migrants to so-called sanctuary cities.

Abbott’s strategy aims to distribute the burden of the migrant influx, which has predominantly impacted border states like Texas. “Over 12,500 to DC. Over 25,000 to New York City. Over 20,000 to Chicago. Over 3,200 to Philadelphia. Over 7,400 to Denver. Over 1,100 to Los Angeles,” the governor noted, adding, “Our mission provides vital relief to border towns.”

The numbers that Abbott shared on Wednesday show that the number of migrants bused out of border towns has gone up by more than 19,000 since October 6, which was the last time the state gave an update. Many of the migrants who are coming to blue states are not close to the southern border.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Promises More Migrants to NYC And Additional Cities until Biden ‘Secures the Border’!

This has caused problems between Democratic state and local leaders and the Biden administration. It has also put a lot of stress on resources in towns that are getting the most migrants. As of recent reports, Texas has bused over 25,000 migrants to New York City alone, contributing to the city’s burgeoning migrant population, which now includes over 121,300 individuals, with more than 66,400 being asylum seekers.

City Hall says that since last spring, over 146,000 people looking for refuge have come through New York’s intake system. City resources, like schools and shelters, are overloaded because of the surge. More than thirty times, Democratic Mayor Eric Adams has asked the 81-year-old president to do something about the problem.

This influx has placed significant strain on local resources, leading to the establishment of 213 emergency shelter sites in New York and escalating tensions between state officials and the federal government. New York Governor Kathy Hochul has publicly called for federal intervention to manage the crisis, emphasizing its national origin and scope.

City Hall says that more than 2,600 new refugee seekers came to New York last week. Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York asked Biden to deal with the problem in August. It was her first public request to the White House since the situation began in the spring of 2022.

Hochul said on August 24 that “this crisis began with the federal government and it must be resolved through the federal government.” This showed that she had written a letter to the president with her demands. Some people in Texas say that the problems New York is having were “Biden-made” and that the problems the city is having are “a fraction” of the problems border towns face every day.

Abbott’s actions reflect a broader trend among Republican governors to address immigration challenges through state-led initiatives. Arizona, under former Governor Doug Ducey and his successor, has bused over 26,500 asylum seekers out of the state since January.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also authorized a program to relocate migrants to sanctuary cities across the country. These measures highlight the growing friction between state and federal authorities over immigration policies and border security.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Promises More Migrants to NYC And Additional Cities until Biden ‘Secures the Border’!

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Arizona’s former Republican Gov. Doug Ducey started a busing program for migrants last year. His Democratic replacement, Gov. Katie Hobbs, has made the program bigger. Axios says that since January, Hobbs has led the state to bus 26,513 refuge seekers out of Arizona. Before his term finished, Ducey took more than 3,000 people seeking asylum.

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