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Texas Governor Initiates First Migrant Transport Flight to Chicago!


CheapNailsalonsnearme–A group of 100 people seeking refuge were flown from Texas to Chicago on Tuesday night by a charter plane at the request of Gov. Greg Abbott (R), officials in the city of Chicago said.

Why It’s Important

As part of Abbott’s protests against President Biden’s immigration policies, tens of thousands of migrants have been bused from Texas to mostly Democratic-run places. This comes at a time when record numbers of families have crossed the border from Mexico to the U.S., creating a global humanitarian crisis.

  • The first migrant flight hired by the Texas state government comes after Chicago’s new crackdown on “rogue” bus operators who, according to city officials, have broken the city’s rules.


An email from the City of Chicago on Wednesday night said that police were told about the group of asylum seekers arriving at O’Hare Airport around 7:15 p.m. local time on a “private plane chartered by the Texas Department of Emergency Management.”

Texas Governor Initiates First Migrant Transport Flight to Chicago!

  • The group’s flight from El Paso, Texas, dropped them off at Signature Flight, a network that helps private aviation. But, according to the spokesperson, two “unknown individuals who flew with the plane reportedly fled Signature Flight and left the scene” in a taxi before police arrived.
  • “The City is currently working to find space in the shelter system for all asylum seekers currently staying at O’Hare Airport.”

State of Play

A migrant dashboard in Chicago shows that 4,252 migrants have come by plane. Most of the time, though, groups like Catholic Charities of Houston have been the ones sending them on commercial planes.

The most recent action from Texas seems to be a direct response to a new law that went into effect a week ago in Chicago. This law lets city officials seize buses sent from Texas that haven’t been approved 48 hours in advance and/or don’t arrive at the official landing zone or between 8 am and 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Last week, Brandon Johnson, the mayor of Chicago, told the Chicago Tribune that “bus companies hired by the State of Texas break all safety rules.”

What They’re Saying

“Sanctuary city Chicago started blocking and going after our busing mission,” Abbott wrote on Wednesday in a message to X. “From now on, Texas will add flights to Chicago to our schedule.”

  • “Until Biden steps up to secure the border, we will continue to provide overwhelmed Texas border towns with much-needed relief.”

The Mystery

Texas officials used to give daily updates on how many buses were being sent to Chicago, but they stopped doing that earlier this week, Chicago officials told Axios. Axios asked Abbott’s representatives for a comment, but they didn’t reply right away

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