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The Man Whose Family Died in the Shooting Spree in North Las Vegas Says the Shooter Was a Neighbor


A man from New Mexico who is very sad can’t understand why a man in North Las Vegas, Nevada, went on a “senseless” shooting spree and killed three of his family members this week. The man also left his 13-year-old niece in critical condition.

On Monday night, someone shot and killed his ex-wife, daughter, and grandson, and badly hurt his granddaughter at an apartment complex. On Tuesday morning, Sal Muñoz, 59, from Albuquerque, made the nearly 600-mile drive to the Las Vegas Valley.

Eric Adams, 47, was named as the suspect by police. He killed himself early Tuesday morning as police closed in on him during a search, officials said.

“It hurts a lot,” Muñoz told NBC News late Wednesday afternoon. “A stupid thing to do. He breaks into a house and starts killing people.

Damiana “Anna” Muñoz, his ex-wife, was killed in the shooting, along with his daughter Amy Muñoz, 40, and his grandson Christopher Damian, who is in his early 20s. His 13-year-old granddaughter Olivia Muñoz was seriously hurt. The names of Muñoz’s family members have not been made public by the authorities.

Kayla Harris, 24, died Wednesday night from injuries to her head, neck, and chest, according to the Clark County Coroner’s Office.

The name of the other woman killed in the attack has not been made public.

North Las Vegas police said that the Las Vegas Police Department’s Force probe Team is helping with the probe.

North Las Vegas police said that when they first arrived at an apartment complex Monday just after 10 p.m., they found two women in their early 40s and late 50s who were hurt and later declared dead. Police say there was also a 13-year-old girl who was hurt at the flat.

His ex-wife lived upstairs from Adams and owned the apartment, Muñoz said. She would sometimes drive Adams to the bus stop so he could get to work.

His 16-year-old son told him that he was in the room when the shooting started, but the gunman didn’t know he was there. The teen was not hurt.

Police said they found three people who had been shot at an apartment nearby. The women were all in their mid-20s, and the guy was in his early 20s.

The cruel thing said by Muñoz was very, very bad. “I don’t know what Adams was thinking.”

Officials in North Las Vegas refused to say anything else Wednesday night.

Muñoz said that his son told him about what happened during the fight on Monday night: Muñoz said that his grandson Damian got a call from Adams’ girlfriend’s daughter, telling him to come downstairs and play computer games. This was not long before the shooting.

When Damian got there, two people were already dead, and his son told him that Damian had been shot.

Adams heard his mother say she was going to call the cops when she went downstairs to check on her son, Muñoz said. According to Muñoz, Adams followed her upstairs and shot and killed Muñoz’s daughter and ex-wife. He also hurt his granddaughter.

Muñoz had a hard time putting into words how he felt about his dead family members. He told her that his daughter Amy was almost ready to become a respiratory therapist.

“I’m still upset.” “They are no longer welcome in my life,” he said.

On Wednesday, Bobbie Anne Adams told NBC News that her son Eric was trying to live a good life by going to church. Adams had six kids, did odd jobs, sang well, and made everyone laugh at family meetings, she said.

“I don’t wear what happened that night like a trophy.” “But he loved his mother and children,” she said. “He was my son, even though he wasn’t perfect.”

According to NBC station KSNV of Las Vegas, Adams had been in trouble with the law for many years. In February, he was charged with domestic battery by strangulation.

The station said that he had been arrested before on charges of burglary with a dangerous weapon, possession of a firearm, cocaine trafficking, battery of a prisoner, and battery of a police officer.

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