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The New Mexico City’s Highest Poverty Rate in The State Has Been Named!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeThe town of Anthony is in the middle of New Mexico, but it is hidden by the problems that come with being poor. 8,748 people are living in this community, which has the unfortunate honor of being the poorest in New Mexico.

Its rich tapestry is made up of threads like low wages, few job chances, and hard access to basic resources. More than twice as many people in Anthony (38.1%) live below the poverty line as the state average. This is a stark reminder of New Mexico’s problems as the third-poorest state in the country.

Anthony is a city that looks like it is poor, but it wants the bright colors of growth. Come with us as we look into the harsh facts of its problems, meet the people behind the numbers, and look at the hope seeds that dare to grow even in the worst situations.

Anthony Has the Highest Poverty Rate in the State

The city of Anthony in New Mexico has the highest poverty rate in the state in 2023, which is not a very good record. The city has 8,748 people, and its typical household income is $26,558, which is the lowest in New Mexico. There are 38.1% of people in Anthony who are poor, which is more than double the state average of 18.4%.

Plus, 23.9% of people under 18 living in the city are poor, making it the poorest place in New Mexico for that age group. Low wages, a lack of job chances, and limited access to education and health care are some of the things that contribute to Anthony’s high poverty rate.

The New Mexico City's Highest Poverty Rate in The State Has Been Named!

The city also has to deal with problems like crime, drug abuse, and environmental damage. Even with these problems, some locals are still positive and think things will get better as more investment and growth happen in the area.

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Here Are Some Statistics Showing Anthony’s Poverty

These numbers show how many people in Anthony, New Mexico are poor:

  • 38.1% of people in Anthony live in poverty, which is more than double the 18.4% rate for the whole state.
  • The average family income in Anthony is only $26,558, which is the lowest in all of New Mexico.
  • It is 39.5% of disabled men in Anthony live in poverty, and it’s 40.5% of disabled women.
  • The rate of hiring for poor people in Anthony is 50.1%, while the rate for non-poor people is only 21.9%.
  • The age-based poverty rate in Anthony shows that 41% of poor people are between the ages of 18 and 24. The age group with the lowest poverty rate is children under 5 (0%).
  • The state of New Mexico has had the third-highest poverty rate in the country for three years in a row. The state had an average poverty rate of 19.6% in 2021, which was only slightly lower than Louisiana (19.6%) and Mississippi (19.4%).
  • At 23.9%, New Mexico had the third-highest rate of poor children under 18 in the country. A 12.8% poverty rate among people 65 and older puts New Mexico in first place in the country. Only Louisiana and Mississippi have higher rates.
  • At 30.3%, McKinley County has the highest poverty rate in New Mexico. Luna (27.6%), Chavez (27.6%), and Sierra counties (26.7%) are next in line.

The New Mexico City's Highest Poverty Rate in The State Has Been Named!

These numbers show that poverty and inequality are big problems in Anthony and that many people have trouble meeting their basic wants and getting opportunities.

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It is hard to hide the fact that Anthony, New Mexico is the state’s poorest town. Statistics paint a somber picture of low wages, few chances, and few resources that affect almost 40% of the population. The weight of these problems is most noticeable among young people and seniors, showing how deeply poverty is ingrained in the town’s structure.

Even so, amidst these problems, hints of hope start to appear. The people of Anthony are very strong because they keep trying to make things better. They all want things to get better, which gives them a common drive to make investments and growth to break out of the cycle of poverty.

So, let’s work toward a future where the bright colors of progress hide the colors of poverty in Anthony and beyond. One thread of hope at a time, we can give groups like Anthony the power to rewrite their stories and imagine a better future through well-thought-out interventions, dedicated investments, and unwavering empathy.

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