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This City Has Been Selected as the Worst Place in New York for Living!


Wilmington, Delaware’s largest city, faces significant challenges that have unfortunately led to its designation as the least desirable city to reside in within the state. This stark reality is rooted in a confluence of factors, including rampant crime, pervasive poverty, high unemployment rates, a dearth of affordable housing, and limited public transportation options.

Crime: A Persistent Woe

A major concern plaguing Wilmington is its crime rate, particularly violent crime. In 2022, the city recorded 16 homicides among its 70,000 residents, translating to a staggering homicide rate of 22.7 per 100,000 individuals. This figure alarmingly surpasses the national average of 6.2 per 100,000. Solutions to this complex problem may include bolstered police funding, the implementation of crime prevention initiatives, and the creation of youth engagement programs.

Poverty: A Deep-Rooted Issue

Poverty in Wilmington is another critical issue, with an alarming rate of 28.4%, starkly higher than the national average of 11.6%. This translates to nearly a third of the population living below the poverty line, which exacerbates issues like poor health, low educational outcomes, and increased crime rates. Tackling this requires a multifaceted approach, including job creation, affordable housing solutions, and enhanced educational and training programs.

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Unemployment: An Ongoing Challenge

This City Has Been Selected as the Worst Place in New York for Living!

The unemployment rate in Wilmington stands at 7.7%, significantly higher than the national rate of 3.7%. Factors contributing to this include the decline in manufacturing jobs and insufficient job training opportunities. Addressing unemployment necessitates investment in job training and education, alongside efforts to attract new businesses to the city.

Affordable Housing: A Scarce Resource

Wilmington’s affordable housing crisis contributes to problems like homelessness and overcrowding. Solutions to this complex issue might involve subsidies for affordable housing development, the implementation of rent control laws, and an expansion of housing voucher programs.

Public Transportation: Limited Accessibility

The city’s limited public transportation system poses significant challenges for residents without personal vehicles, impacting their ability to access work, education, and other essential services. Expanding the bus system and developing a light rail system could be viable solutions to this problem.

Statistic Data Point
Population 70,000
Homicide Rate 22.7 per 100,000 residents
Poverty Rate 28.4%
Unemployment Rate 7.7%
Affordable Housing Units Shortage
Public Transportation Limited

Read More: This City Has Been Selected as The Worst in New York for Living!


Wilmington’s designation as the worst city to live in Delaware is a wake-up call, highlighting urgent needs across various sectors. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive, long-term strategies aimed at crime reduction, poverty alleviation, unemployment, affordable housing, and transportation accessibility. With targeted efforts and sustained investment, Wilmington has the potential to transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement.

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