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‘This is Fabulous’ Woman Launches GoFundMe for 90-Year-Old Man Caring for His Wife with Dementia


A woman in New Hampshire set up a GoFundMe page for a man she says is a disabled U.S. Air Force veteran who is 90 years old and has been pawn-shopping gold to get money to care for his dementia-stricken wife.

Jenelle Marie, a TikTok user, made the page that has raised more than $150,000 for her “elderly friend named Donald.” To surprise him, she gave him an envelope with $1,300 inside it. She filmed Donald trying to sell jewelry. Over 4.6 million people have watched the sad video on TikTok.

Marie wrote on the GoFundMe page that Donald takes care of his wife “around the clock” since they don’t have any children and no close family left.

“He is the sweetest old man you could ever meet and loves his wife dearly,” she noted.

In the video, Donald tells Marie, “When I can afford it, one of these days I’m going to call you and ask you to lunch.”

Then Marie says, “Thanks, but we’re just happy to do it.” “(The money) is from me, my fiance and like 25 people.”

As Donald gets ready to leave, the tape shows him saying, “I’m so excited… this is fabulous.”

How did Donald end up in such bad financial shape?

Because Donald’s landlord raised the rent, he started “falling behind with all of his bills,” according to Marie.

“He’s sick to death afraid that he’ll have to move and that they’ll make his wife go to a home,” Marie wrote on the GoFundMe page. “I’m currently looking to find him a new place to rent that is within his budget, but I was hoping I could fundraise some money to lessen his load of financial stress.”

Marie says the gifts are meant to help Donald pay for a basement apartment or house with a bedroom that they can rent in the Manchester, New Hampshire area.

“I have looked into all sorts of resources, even Section 8 housing for him, and the waitlists are too long,” she stated.

“I wish we could help the veterans more.”

Marie updated the GoFundMe page on Wednesday to say that she had decided to keep the fundraiser going longer because Donald’s video went viral and so many people showed their support. The target amount of donations is $200,000.

“I’m going to give him more cash the next time he comes in,” she said. “Thank you so much to everyone who gave money or told their friends about this benefit. I wish there was more we could do for the brave soldiers who serve our country.


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