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TVA Installs New Combustion of Natural Gas Turbines at Kentucky Paradise Plant for Fast Power Generation!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeIn a significant advancement in power generation technology, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has launched three state-of-the-art natural gas combustion turbine units at the Paradise Combined Cycle Plant. This strategic move comes just in time for the winter season, enhancing the region’s energy resilience.

These new units add a substantial 750 megawatts of generation capacity to the TVA’s operating fleet. To put this into perspective, this capacity is sufficient to power over 440,000 average homes. During testing phases, these units demonstrated remarkable efficiency, achieving full power within a mere 11 minutes of start-up.

This development at the Paradise Plant is part of a larger initiative by TVA. In July, three additional combustion turbines began operating at the Colbert site in northern Alabama. Collectively, these new sites contribute almost 1,500 megawatts of generation capacity to the grid, a significant increase compared to the previous winter.

Jeff Lyash, TVA President and CEO, emphasized the role of natural gas in the transition to a carbon-neutral future while ensuring reliability. The quick-response capability of these units is pivotal in maintaining power supply stability, especially as the grid integrates more renewable energy sources, which can be intermittent.

TVA Installs New Combustion of Natural Gas Turbines at Kentucky Paradise Plant for Fast Power Generation!

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According to Jamie Cook, TVA’s General Manager of Major Projects, these new combustion turbines (CTs) are part of a broader plan to boost the grid’s generation capacity by more than 3,800 megawatts by 2028.  The replacement of older, less efficient units with these cleaner natural gas units reflects TVA’s commitment to a cleaner energy future.

The TVA, as the nation’s largest public power supplier, serves over 10 million people across seven southeastern states.  Established 90 years ago, TVA’s unique mission encompasses energy production, environmental stewardship, and economic development. Its diverse energy system, encompassing nuclear, hydro, solar, gas, and advanced technologies, positions TVA as a frontrunner in the drive toward a clean energy future.

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