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Unveiling the 5 Most Depression-Affected States in the U.S.!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeOne of the most important and major diseases in the world right now is depression. You don’t have to have genes that make you more likely to get depressed to get it. Millions of people around the world who suffer from depression don’t even know they have it because it might not show on the outside.

Because of this, they don’t take steps to treat it, which can unfortunately be fatal. The World Health Organization says that depression is one of the most common mental diseases in the world. About 264 million people around the world are depressed. That is more than 250 million people!

Depression is not the same as being sad or down; it can cause problems with other people and make it hard to do things at work and home. In the worst cases, sadness can make a person kill. You’re not just a little down for a few hours when you have depression.

Top 5 Depressed States in America

Things are also pretty bad when it comes to sadness in the United States. One in nine adults (19%) have been depressed, which is 1.5 million more than the year before. People with depression don’t get the treatment they need 24% of the time, and 60% of young people don’t get any mental health care at all.

Unveiling the 5 Most Depression-Affected States in the U.S.!

Here is our list of the 10 states in the US where the number of depressed people is the biggest. You can read about our talk and see a fuller list of 25 states with the highest rates of sadness in the United States.

1. Utah

Percentage of the population suffering from mental illness: 25.25. Out of the 10 states in the US with the highest rates of depression, Utah has the highest rate. More than 25% of the people there have a mental disease. The state is trying to lower the rate, but there is still a lot that needs to be done.

2. Idaho

Percentage of the population suffering from mental illness: 24.46. It’s because not many people in Idaho finish high school, there aren’t many primary care doctors, and not many people get vaccinated against HPV.

3. West Virginia

Percentage of the population suffering from mental illness: 23.8. West Virginia is the least healthy state in the country when it comes to frequent emotional distress. The main reasons for this are said to be a high rate of early death, a high percentage of poor children, and a high rate of obesity.

Unveiling the 5 Most Depression-Affected States in the U.S.!

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4. Indiana

Percentage of the population suffering from mental illness: 22.51. In Indiana, 66,000 teens and young adults, or about 12.7% of the state’s overall population, had a major depressive episode.

5. Oregon

Percentage of the population suffering from mental illness: 22.45. Over thirteen percent of young people in Oregon have had a depressive episode in the past year. This shows how important and necessary it is to have programs to stop, identify, and treat depression.

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