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Videos From Fort Lauderdale Show a Piece of a Crane Falling and Hitting a Moving Car


Some parts of a crane fell from a high-rise building earlier this year and hit a bridge in downtown Fort Lauderdale, killing one worker and hurting several others. New videos show the exact moments when this happened.

The accident took place on April 4 at a housing tower that was still being built next to the New River. A piece of the crane and some building supplies fell onto the 3rd Avenue Bridge.

Body cameras worn by police also caught first rescuers talking to victims. The workers told the cops that the piece of the crane fell from the top of the building.

The 27-year-old construction worker Jorge De La Torre died when he fell with a piece of the crane. Three more people, either on the ground or in cars, were hurt in the accident.

Gemmalyn Castillo, one of the injured people, sued for more than $50 million in negligence, saying that the accident caused her “severe and serious head and facial trauma.”

Castillo’s lawyers said she was a rideshare customer who was in the Tesla’s back seat as a guest. The lawyers said that when the crane hit the Tesla, the driver jumped out, but Castillo stayed inside. In the backseat, Castillo passed out for a while. She woke up and was able to get out of the car.

The tape was already seen by her lawyer.

As a group, we need to think about what we can do to make sure this doesn’t happen again when things like this happen. I haven’t heard anything about any criminal charges yet, so where is the accountability? said Castillo’s lawyer, Judd Rosen.

The review by the Fort Lauderdale Police is over. They found nothing illegal about what happened and have decided to call it an accident.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a federal body, is still looking into it.


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