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Ohio Lawmakers Propose Bill Prompting Debate Over Age Verification for Porn


In a move that has sparked immediate backlash from citizens on both ends of the political spectrum, Ohio lawmakers, both Republicans and Democrats, have jointly introduced a bill that requires age verification for individuals accessing pornographic material. House Bill 901 (HB-901) aims to combat underage access to explicit content by mandating every porn viewer to provide age verification, including submitting a photo of a state ID or entering personal information into a third-party system.

The bipartisan effort, led by state Sens. Stephanie Kunze (R-Dublin) and Bill DeMora (D-Columbus), has stirred controversy as it proposes stringent measures that many perceive as an invasion of privacy. Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, a proponent of the legislation, emphasized that the bill, once passed into law, would penalize companies failing to implement the age verification process, asserting that it aligns with existing regulations governing the sale of adult products to minors in the physical world.

The bill’s proponents argue that it addresses a pressing concern of preventing children and teenagers from accessing explicit content online. Husted stated, “It is illegal in the physical world to market and sell adult products to kids and teenagers,” and the proposed legislation seeks to extend similar rules to the digital realm.

However, the reaction from Ohioans has been mixed, with many expressing strong opposition to the bill’s requirement for personal information, including a state ID, for accessing explicit material. Social media platforms were flooded with comments expressing concerns about government overreach, personal privacy, and potential misuse of sensitive information.

Ohio Lawmakers Propose Bill Prompting Debate Over Age Verification for Porn

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Clevelander Mallory McMaster voiced her apprehensions, stating, “No one is going to create a log of the porn that they watch that can someday be used against them, someday be used to blackmail them.”

The proposed age verification process involves submitting a photo of a state ID or entering personal details into a third-party system, which would then verify the age by cross-referencing with other online databases. Companies failing to comply with these regulations would face penalties.

While supporters of the bill argue that it brings online regulations in line with physical-world standards, critics question the necessity of such stringent measures and raise concerns about the potential risks associated with collecting and verifying sensitive user information. The bill’s detractors argue that it could drive individuals towards non-compliant platforms, leading to a surge in unregulated and potentially unsafe online spaces.

Pornography giant Pornhub shared insights from its experience with similar regulations in Louisiana, where traffic reportedly dropped by 80% following compliance with new laws. Pornhub’s parent company, Aylo, argued that such regulations can push users towards unregulated corners of the internet that disregard age verification and fail to prioritize user safety.

The bill in Ohio reflects a broader trend, as similar legislation has either been implemented or is pending in several states, including Arkansas, North Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

As Ohio navigates this contentious legislative landscape, the debate surrounding the balance between protecting minors, individual privacy, and potential consequences for the online landscape continues to intensify. The proposed legislation raises complex questions about the appropriate role of the government in regulating online content and the potential unintended consequences of such measures. The bill is expected to undergo further scrutiny in the coming months, inviting continued discussions on issues of privacy, censorship, and online safety.

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