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Oregon Reports First Human Bubonic Plague Case Since 2015


Last week, it was reported that a person living in Oregon has been diagnosed with the first case of bubonic plague in the state since 2015. 

As per a statement released by Deschutes County Health Services on Wednesday, it is believed that the person contracted the plague from their sick pet cat. 

According to a statement from Dr. Richard Fawcett, the health officer of Deschutes County, all individuals who were near the affected resident as well as their pet have been identified and given medication to prevent illness

The identity of the infected resident was not disclosed in the release.

Officials reassured the community that there was minimal risk, as the case was detected and addressed in the early stages of the disease. 

There have been no new cases of plague discovered as part of the ongoing investigation into the spread of the disease. 

Symptoms of Plague in Humans

Oregon-Reports-First Human-Bubonic-Plague-Case-Since-2015
Last week, it was reported that a person living in Oregon has been diagnosed with the first case of bubonic plague in the state since 2015.

Typically, symptoms of plague in humans appear within two to eight days after exposure. 

These symptoms may include a sudden fever, feelings of nausea, weakness, chills, muscle aches, as well as swollen lymph nodes called buboes.

This infectious bacterial disease is spread by squirrels, chipmunks, and other wild rodents, along with their fleas. When a diseased rodent becomes sick and dies, its fleas can spread the infection to other animals or humans through bites.

If left untreated, cases of plague can be fatal, although they can be effectively treated with antibiotics when detected early. Currently, there is no available vaccine for the plague.

It is strongly recommended by health authorities to steer clear of any interaction with wild rodents, especially if they show signs of illness or are found dead. It is strongly discouraged to feed squirrels or chipmunks. 

In order to minimize the risk of infection, it is strongly advised that pet owners take measures to prevent their pets from coming into contact with wild rodents.

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