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A California Socialite Was Given 15 Years to Life in Prison for the Hit-and-run Deaths of Two Boys in 2020


LOS ANGELES — A socialite from Southern California was given 15 years to life in jail on Monday for killing two brothers in a crosswalk more than three years ago and then leaving the scene of the crime.

Authorities say Rebecca Grossman, who is married to a well-known burn doctor in Los Angeles, hit and killed Mark Iskander, 11, and his brother Jacob, 8. She was going too fast.

In February, a jury in Los Angeles found Rebecca Grossman guilty of all charges. She was found guilty of two felonies of second-degree murder and one felonious count of hit-and-run driving resulting in death.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino gave her two sentences of 15 years to life each, plus three years for fleeing the scene of the fatal crash. These three years would run along with the other two terms.

The judge said Grossman was “reckless and unquestionably negligent” in what he did.

The crash happened in Westlake Village, a city on the western side of Los Angeles County, on the evening of September 29, 2020. It killed two people.

The data recorder in Grossman’s white Mercedes showed that she was going up to 81 mph (130 kph) and that she slammed on the brakes to slow down to 73 mph (117 kph) less than two seconds before the accident that set off her airbags.

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