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A Florida Lawmaker Has Introduced a Bill that May Criminalize LGBTQ+ Content as “Grooming”!


CheapNailsalonsnearmeA new legislative bill, HB1135, has been introduced in the Florida State Legislature, sparking widespread concern among LGBTQ+ advocates and civil rights groups. The bill, perceived as a direct attack on LGBTQ+ content, could potentially categorize certain forms of communication as “grooming,” punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

Though the bill does not explicitly mention LGBTQ+ content as grooming, the implications are clear given its context and the history of its sponsor. Representative Taylor Yarkosky, known for his strong stance against LGBTQ+ inclusivity, has been vocal in labeling drag shows as “evil grooming” and advocating for felony charges against such events.

The bill’s language is notably vague, stating that any “s*xually themed communication” observed by an individual under 16 could lead to severe legal consequences.  This ambiguity raises concerns about the potential misuse of the law to target LGBTQ+ content, including educational materials, public performances, and social media content.

Historically, the term “grooming” has been weaponized against LGBTQ+ individuals, often equating their existence or expression with harmful stereotypes.  This bill seems to be an extension of that narrative, with serious implications for LGBTQ+ rights and freedom of expression in Florida.

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HB1135 is not an isolated case. It’s part of a larger pattern of legislative efforts in Florida targeting the LGBTQ+ community. For instance, HB599, advocated by the Christian Family Coalition, aims to extend restrictions on discussions of gender identity and s*xuality to workplaces, including nonprofits.

This could effectively marginalize LGBTQ+ nonprofits, which play a crucial role in advocacy and support for the community. The introduction of HB1135 has sparked a wave of criticism and resistance from LGBTQ+ rights groups, legal experts, and civil liberties organizations.

They argue that the bill’s vague wording and the explicit intentions of its sponsors constitute a direct threat to the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ individuals in Florida. This bill, along with others like HB599, represents a concerning trend in the state’s legislative approach to LGBTQ+ issues, one that seems to be increasingly restrictive and punitive.

A Florida Lawmaker Has Introduced a Bill that May Criminalize LGBTQ+ Content as "Grooming"!

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