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A “Once-in-a-Generation” Fight in Texas for Command of the G.O.P!


CNS NewsThe Political Landscape in Texas is undergoing a seismic shift as the state’s Republican primary races escalate into intense and consequential battles. With Election Day looming, the primary contests have become a battleground for control of the GOP, pitting establishment figures against a more socially conservative faction aligned with former President Donald Trump.

Attorney General Ken Paxton, embroiled in legal and political controversies, has sought to solidify his influence by targeting incumbent Republicans who opposed him. Paxton’s efforts to exact revenge against those who impeached him, including House Speaker Dade Phelan, reflect the deep divisions within the party.

Meanwhile, Governor Greg Abbott has intensified his campaign against Republicans who opposed his education reform agenda. The primary races have attracted significant attention and funding, resulting in one of the most expensive election cycles in Texas history.

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The influx of outside money and aggressive campaigning by statewide leaders underscore the high stakes involved in these contests. As incumbent representatives fight to retain their positions, the ideological composition of the Texas Legislature hangs in the balance.

The outcome of the primary elections could have far-reaching implications for Texas politics, shaping the state’s trajectory for years to come. With more than two dozen competitive races, the primary has become a battleground for the soul of the GOP, with implications not only for Texas but also for the national Republican Party.

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