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Church Leaders in Houston Are Demanding a “Red Flag” Law in Response to The Shooting in Lakewood!


CNS NewsIn the aftermath of a tragic shooting at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, some religious leaders are calling for legislative action to prevent similar incidents. The shooting, which occurred on February 11, resulted in the death of a woman and left a church volunteer and a young child injured.

While expressions of sympathy and prayers have been extended to the victims and their families, a growing chorus of voices is emphasizing the need for concrete measures to address gun violence. The Rev. Colin Bossen, senior minister at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, expressed his dismay at the lack of discussion about gun control measures following the Lakewood shooting.

Bossen highlighted the importance of advocating for the passage of ‘red flag’ laws, which allow law enforcement or family members to petition a court to temporarily remove firearms from individuals deemed to be a danger to themselves or others. These laws are currently in place in 21 states across the country.

Bossen emphasized the necessity of taking action on policy matters, stating, “Thoughts and prayers are not enough.” He pointed to the shooter’s troubled history, including previous arrests and involuntary institutionalization for psychiatric treatment, as indicators that intervention could have been possible with the implementation of red flag laws.

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The incident at Lakewood Church is not an isolated occurrence in Texas. Previous shootings in places of worship have underscored the need for increased security measures and policy reforms. While some churches have bolstered their security protocols in response to such threats, there remains a lack of consensus within the religious community regarding approaches to gun laws.

In Houston, efforts to promote gun law reform have garnered support from organizations such as Moms Demand Action and certain political figures, including State Representative Ann Johnson, who introduced a red flag law in House Bill 3057. However, the issue remains politically divisive, with conservative evangelical groups opposing such measures.

Church Leaders in Houston Are Demanding a "Red Flag" Law in Response to The Shooting in Lakewood!

Despite the growing calls for action, Lakewood Church declined to comment on its security policy or its stance on red flag laws. As the debate over gun violence continues, advocates for reform are urging religious leaders and policymakers to prioritize the safety and well-being of communities across Texas.

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